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"Elsa! Seriously you have nothing to worry about," Jack exclaimed to his girlfriend.

"Jack, you know I never get like this whenever you are talking to girls but this time it's different. I knew her back in the day. She was so terrible to me. And you're talking to her now and it's just freaking me out," Elsa said back to him.

The two are in their senior year of high school. They've known each other since they were children because they are neighbors. Jack was a varsity football player and Elsa was in advanced choir. They went to different schools until Elsa changed schools after her sophomore year. They have been together for almost three years now.

They are currently in a fight because of this girl Elsa knew back at her old school. The girls name is Toothiana Fairy. Sure she was so kind and sweet to everyone but for some reason, she absolutely despised Elsa. Elsa would try and be nice to her but lately it's been difficult since she's been talking to Jack all the time and getting closer to him.

Elsa frankly felt threatened by it. From all the things that Tooth has done to her, this is the worst. Tooth and Elsa used to be close friends but they grew apart when Tooth all the sudden got more popular than Elsa. Elsa would be nice and say hi whenever they see each other then Tooth would be a backstabber by saying horrible things like "oh girls look the loser thinks she can talk to us," or "I can't believe we used to be friends you're so annoying," etc. It was a terrible and traumatizing time for Elsa.

Now Tooth has transferred to this school because her family wanted her to go to a different school. Tooth being at this school has been a nightmare for Elsa. She's been bullied everyday. Jack didn't have any classes near Elsa's classrooms so he was never around. Elsa's sister Anna though was always around since most of their classes were in the same building.

What brings us to the present is that Elsa just found out Jack has been talking to Tooth almost everyday. Elsa never told him about their past either. Even though they were best friends before they started dating... she never told him.

Rewind to before the fight.

"Hey Elsa," Jack said as he saw her walking down a hall after school.

She turned around then said, "Hey Jack, what's up?"

"Nothing much," kisses her cheek, "I'm just getting ready to go home. I thought we could go eat somewhere today," he said.

"Yeah, that would be perfect," Elsa smiled. Maybe finally she will have some kind of sunshine next to her rainy days.

"Awesome, let's go," he said and grabbed her hand. They walked out of the school and towards Jack's car. Elsa and Jack usually carpool in the mornings to go to school, since they were neighbors.

Once they arrived at the restaurant they walked inside and got a table for two. They were sitting together and eating their meal until someone walked to their table.

"Is that Jack Frost?"

Jack looked up and saw Tooth.

"Oh, haha hey Tooth, what's up?" He asked when he saw her.

"Hi, haha, I'm just here waiting for my dad to be done working. He owns this restaurant you know," she said laughing. Then she took notice to Elsa. She put on the cheesiest and fakest smile Elsa has ever seen.

"Oh hello Elsa, how are you today?"

"Um... I'm..." Elsa was trying to find the right words considering Tooth was acting nice. "I'm fine I guess," Elsa said. Jack looked at her and held her hand from across the table.

"Oh well, hopefully you get better soon I guess. Anyway, Jack don't forget we have that paper due tomorrow. I'll see you later," Tooth said.

"Right, Bye Tooth," Jack said. After Tooth walked away, the two of them looked at each other.

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