My Love

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Third POV:

"Hey Elsa? Is it okay if I go hangout with friends tonight?" Jack asked.

"Of course. Why would you ask?" Elsa asked back.

The two were currently in the kitchen doing the dishes together. They thought if they both worked on it together it would get done quicker.

"Because I wasn't sure if you wanted me to stay in with you tonight," Jack replied after putting the plate in the dishwasher when she handed it to him.

"Oh... we didn't have anything planned for tonight Jack. So, you should go hangout with some friends," Elsa said as she kissed his cheek then continued cleaning the pan.

"You're sure? Will you be okay alone?" Jack asked.

"Yes. I will be fine you goof," Elsa said with a short chuckle.

The only reason why Jack would ask to go hangout with friends at times was because he never wanted to leave his girlfriend alone. Not because he was afraid she would do something to herself or cheat on him but because she would get lonely and he didn't want that. Often times he would ask if she wanted to join him and his friends. She would either say no or she would say yes. Depends how her social battery is that day.

"So what are you and your friends going to do tonight?" She asked out of curiosity.

"Um... you know Flynn always keeps us on our toes. Honestly we will probably end up at Walmart being annoying kids," Jack said chuckling. Elsa chuckled too.

"Well, try not to get yourselves kicked out and banned," Elsa said.

"We won't," Jack said as he took a hold of the faucet and started to spray water at Elsa.

"Jack!" She exclaimed putting her hand up in front of the faucet to try and make it stop. She had already put the pan down in the sink.

"What?" He asked innocently.

"Stop please," She said laughing.

"Nope," He said and continued.

Elsa didn't know what to do until she had an idea. She grabbed a wet towel that he had just gotten soaked. Elsa twisted it up then was about to let it rip on Jack.

"Wait don't do that," Jack said.

"Then stop with the water," Elsa said.

"But it's funny," Jack said.

"Then this will also be funny," she said and started to make the towel hit against his thigh.

"Ouch," Jack laughed.

"Surrender?" Elsa asked.

"Never," He said.

"Cool," Elsa said and continued as Jack continued.

It wasn't until Jack grabbed her by the waist and put the faucet back to then hug her from behind.

"Okay you win," he said.

Elsa put the towel down. "I'm all wet because of you now," she said.

"Did you have fun?" Jack asked.

"I wouldn't call getting drenched in water fun unless we were at a water park," Elsa said making the two laugh.

"Alright let's go get towels to dry up," Jack said.

"And clean up this mess," Elsa chuckled.

~Time Skip to later that night~

"So, What are we doing tonight?" Jack asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2022 ⏰

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