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Third POV:

Jack Frost was walking the busy streets of New York. He was on his way home to his wife and their newborn after a long hard day at work.

Jack usually takes a cab but decided to walk today. Not because he didn't want to hurry home, he did but he needed some time to clear his head from all the meetings he had today.

As he was walking he saw three puppies at the dog park that looked so adorable to him.

One of them was a German Shepard, brown Dachshund, and golden retriever. All three were playing around.

He was just going to pass by. He was walking through the park but then he thought, "Elsa would love to see them."

So, he took out his phone to FaceTime her. As he dialed the dogs found a liking towards him. He was petting them and their owners were watching them trying to apologize to him. Jack kept on shaking them off saying no harm done.

After three rings she finally answered.

"Hey," He said. He looked at her on the camera and saw her looking exhausted but she still managed a smile towards him.

"Hey Frosty. What's up," She said rubbing her eyes.

"Well, I decided to walk home today and I was walking by the dog park and saw these three dogs," he said then faced the camera towards the dogs he was petting then continued, "and I thought you would want to see them."

"Aww... they are so cute," she said. Jack was petting the dogs heads.

"They aren't as cute as you but they come in a close third," Jack said.

"Jack," she whined, "they are definitely cuter than I am," she said, "and a close third meaning what?"

"Chewy, Tootsie, Buddy, let's go!" The dogs owners called. That made all three dogs run to their owners.

After the dogs left he faced the camera back on him and he continued walking home.

"No they are not, and close third, we've got our baby girl at home. How is she by the way?" He asked.

"She is the cutest isn't she? She's good. I just put her down for a nap," Elsa said.

"Was she trouble today?" He asked.

"She's your daughter, of course she was trouble," they both laughed. "I'm just kidding she was an angel," Elsa added.

"Why did you call me, not that I'm not enjoying this call?" Elsa asked as Jack was still walking. He was very close to there apartment building.

"I saw those dogs and I knew you would love to see them," he smiled. "I know it's been a long while since you've been out since our daughter was born and I wanted to show you something from the outside world," he said chuckling to himself.

"You are such a dork but thank you. I love you," she said.

"I love you too. I will be home in less than five minutes," Jack said.

"Okay, I'll see you then bye," she said.

"Bye Snowflake," Jack said and hung up.

Within three minutes he was up the elevator and at his apartment.

He was about to yell out he was home then remembered their daughter is asleep.

Jack quietly walked to his room where he found his wife asleep on their bed. He chuckled to himself and thought, "Not even five minutes and she's passed out."

He walked to her and kissed her forehead. It made Elsa open her eyes.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you," he said looking into her eyes. She shook her head with a smile.

"You didn't," she said and kissed him. He kissed back.

"Lay down with me," she whispered.

"I was going to make dinner," he said.

"I already ordered pizza," she said.

He chuckled then got under the covers and laid down with her. His arms wrapped around her and her resting her head on his chest.

"How have you been today?" He asked her.

"Extremely tired. Our little Luna really tires me out," she said.

"One of these days, we will go out on a date night. Just us two," he said and kissed her forehead.

"That would be lovely," she said.

"Let's just hope she stays asleep the rest of the night," he said.

"She won't. She always wakes up at 3 in the morning and cries until I get her," she said.

"I'll get her this time then," he said kissing her cheek.

"I'm going to hold you to that," she said he chuckled.

"I knew you would," he said.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

A/n: HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! I hope it's treating you all well so far! I hope you guys liked this one shot. I got the idea from Instagram from one of the accounts I follow. I am trying to update more often but since school will start up again and I still have work... it's going to be rough.
Anyway, don't forget to:

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