Heartbreak- Part 2

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Third POV:

~One Year Later~

The two were still apart. They always thought about each other. They wondered how they were doing. What they were thinking about. If they were doing okay. If they still thought about each other. What they would do if they ever saw each other again.

Word got out about the break up. They were the talk of every talk show. It came as a surprise to everyone. These two were a couple nobody thought would ever separate.

Even fans were upset. They had their ship name already figured out and everything. When both stars would post something on social media their fans would always say something like "Jelsa forever" or "they are the cutest couple on the planet" however that goes.

The songs that were released gave the world a sliver of what made them break up. But sometimes people don't understand lyrics very well. They end up making rumors like "Elsa was so abusive to Jack if you've heard his song." Or "Jack must have cheated on Elsa to make her think they can't be together anymore." The list goes on.

Only the two knew what happened because it's them. They haven't talked to the media about anything either. If they ever were on talk shows they both would divert the conversation to something else like their singing/acting careers or flat out leave the stage. Since after a while of asking the same questions it can sometimes be considered as harassing them for the information they wish to not share.

The two didn't really date anyone. Well, that's up until Toothiana had to grab Jack's hand when there was paparazzi around. So the media just assumed they were dating. Jack wasn't all that interested. Even when they took the pictures of them, people could tell he wasn't all there or wanting to be there.


"Jack let's go to the mall!" Toothiana grinned.

"Uh... Yea... sure," he said mind elsewhere.

Toothiana still had that grin on her face and she grabbed his hand when she saw the paparazzi coming.

Jack didn't see them coming at all. Toothiana just dragged them towards the mall but not without being questioned by the paparazzi.

"Are you guys together?"

"Jack? You're already getting a new woman to be with?"

"What all exactly happened between you and Elsa Jack?"

And so many more questions. Jack didn't pay them any attention. He just went with the flow really.

But those pictures that were snapped that day were posted the next day saying, "Jack Frost is in a relationship with costar Toothiana Fairy."

When Elsa saw it she couldn't help but think, "He's already over us?" She couldn't see that he didn't want to be there. To her, she just saw him with another woman and assumed he's happy now.

She knew she shouldn't be so upset. It had been six months since their breakup and she was the one to bring it up but she still loved him. She thought she would be over it by now. But a love like this one is hard to get over.

"It's time to get over him," Elsa whispered to herself wiping her tears.

~End of Flashback~

After that night, Elsa tried her best to get over him. She ended up dating her drummer her last month on tour. They weren't really official or anything. They just went on a few dates.

Elsa couldn't help but miss Jack even more. Because whenever she went on a date with Hans, he never made her laugh as much as Jack did. She had to force her laughter with Hans.

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