First Look

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Third POV:

It was the wedding day of Jack Frost and Elsa Arens. The two were so ecstatic to see each other. They decided that they would do a "first look" of each other.

Jack was soooo excited to see Elsa. He missed her. He literally missed her because they didn't spend that night before together. He wanted to be with her before the wedding but rumor has it you can't see your bride before the wedding otherwise it's bad luck.

So... it probably doesn't make sense for the whole "first look" thing. Just hang in there. There is a method to this madness.

They were currently getting pictures done. Their wedding was at a refurbished barn. Their pictures were taken around there too.

Elsa was in her dress and Jack in his tuxedo. They took the first picture together. It was of Jack leaning against the barn wall by the corner. Elsa was leaning on the other wall on that same corner. The two were holding hands. They smiled at the camera.

"I want to see you," Jack said. Elsa could hear the pout in his voice.

"Not yet silly Frosty," Elsa said giggling.

"But Elsa... you said we were going to do a first look! Please?" He begged, Elsa chuckled.

Their friends had joined them during this photo shoot. They all had a plan. A devious one.

"Alright Jack. Just wait right there and close your eyes. Our photographer will tell you what to do next," Elsa said.

"Okay, I can't wait to see you," he said as he closed his eyes.

"Me too love," Elsa said as she let go of his hand. She walked back into the barn and to the brides dressing room. Anna was there waiting for her.

"Does he have any clue?" Anna asked.

"Not a clue," Elsa giggled.

"Is the video all set up for us to see?" Elsa asked.

"Yep," Anna said.

~With Jack~

Jack was there still with his eyes closed. He was so excited to see her.

"Jack, you need to turn around and keep your eyes closed," the photographer said.

Jack nodded and did as told.

The photographer moved towards the side so she could film what happens next. From the barn out came someone in a white dress.

It wasn't his bride. That's for sure.

The person placed their hand on Jack's upper back.

"Can I look yet?" Jack asked.

Everyone was trying to keep themselves from laughing. By everyone, it was Hiccup, Kristoff, Eugene, Merida, Rapunzel, and Mary.

Anna was still with Elsa.

"Okay you can turn around and open your eyes now," the photographer said.

Jack turned around expecting to see his beautiful bride but it ended up being his best friend in a wedding dress.

To say Jack was disappointed but also amused was an understatement.

"Hiccup? What are you doing in a wedding dress?" Jack asked.

Everyone burst out laughing.

"Well your soon to be wife wanted to prank you since you always prank her and us. So this was something none of us could say no to when she came up with the idea," Hiccup said laughing.

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