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Third POV:

Jack was waiting at a restaurant called "Tiana's Place." His friends had set him up on a blind date. All he knows is the girl he's meeting would have a lot in common with him.

Jack wore a navy blue shirt with jeans, white tie, and black converse. They were shooting for fancy casual.

He's waiting and waiting. It's been about fifteen minutes since she was supposed to be there. He was starting to think she stood him up.

Until the bell rang... indicating that someone was either entering or exiting the restaurant. Jack looked up and saw the most beautiful woman he has ever seen.

She had platinum blonde hair, flowing freely down her back. Her blue eyes sparkled in the dimly lit restaurant. She wore a white dress that was a little more than mid thigh. Her shoes were white vans.

Jack couldn't believe his eyes. All he was told about her other than they would have lots in common, is what she's wearing that way they both would know who they are to be sitting with. But also comes the name of the reservation as well.

Jack saw her ask for where her table would be and the waiter brought her towards Jack. Jack tried not to feel nervous because it's a blind date, it could go well or go awfully.

"You must be Jack?" His date said.

Jack stood up, "yes, and you must be Elsa?" He asked and held his hand out for her to shake. 

"It's nice to meet you," she smiled at him and shook his hand.

Elsa was about to sit down and Jack tucked in her seat for her as she sat. It caused Elsa to blush lightly but she tried to conceal and hide it from him.

"Thank you," Elsa said.

"You're welcome," Jack said with a smile.

"I'm sorry I'm so late, I hope you weren't waiting for too long," Elsa said.

"Oh no. It's fine. Was everything okay?" He asked.

"Yes. I just got caught up with something at work," she said. Jack just nodded in understanding.

The two looked at their menus. They didn't really  talk after that. They didn't know how to start a conversation with each other.

For people who are supposed to have a lot in common... they don't have much to talk about.

"So... how do you know Rapunzel?" Jack asked.

"Oh... we are cousins actually... how do you know her?" Elsa asked.

"We work together at her dads company," Jack said.

"That's cool. How odd that she hasn't mentioned you. Or even my Uncle Frederick," Elsa said setting her menu down.

"That is pretty weird," Jack chuckled.

"How long have you been with their company?" Elsa asked.

"Almost three years. Actually my anniversary since I started with the company is coming up really soon," Jack said.

"That's great! Do you plan on doing anything to celebrate?" Elsa asked.

"Eh... not really," Jack chuckled. Elsa smiled.

"I'm sure the rest of the company might do something for you though," Elsa said.

"Yeah probably. Enough about me. What about you?" He asked.

"What about me?" Elsa asked.

"What do you do for a living?" Jack asked.

"I work for my dads company. I'm supposed to take over once he retires," Elsa said.

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