Ice Cream Monster

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Third POV:

Elsa, Jack, Anna, Kristoff, and their children were at the carnival. Elsa and Jack have an 11 month old baby. Anna and Kristoff has two children.

Anna and Kristoff's children are six and four years old. An older girl and then a younger boy. Their daughters name was April. She has her mothers strawberry blonde hair and her fathers chocolate brown eyes. Kody their son, had his fathers blonde hair and his mother's blue eyes.

Anna and Kristoff have been together longer than Elsa and Jack have been together. They have been together for about seven years. Married for six years. Jack and Elsa have been together for about three years. Married for two years.

Elsa and Jack's daughter is eleven months old. Her name is Aspen. She has her mothers hair and her fathers eyes and dimples.

The seven of them decided to do something together to have some family time together. Kind of like vacation time.

They decided the carnival would probably be good. Considering they didn't have to leave, spend as much as they would if they went to a hotel or something like Disneyland. They decided that would be next years real trip.

They were all together getting some ice cream. Elsa was holding Aspen in her arms since she started to fuss in the stroller. It was a two person stroller, one for Aspen and the other for Kody. April was holding her fathers hand while they got their ice cream.

They were at a Baskin-Robbins food truck. Jack was grabbing their ice cream for him and his wife. Kristoff already got the ice cream for his family.

"Here babe. One vanilla cake ice cream for you," He said and kissed her cheek. She smiled.

"Thank you my love," she said grinning his way as he ate his chocolate chip mint.

After finding a table to eat at they began eating their ice cream. When everyone was seated Kody sat with his sister at the table. So Elsa put Aspen in the stroller while everyone ate their ice cream. Everyone was contentedly eating their ice cream when April cried out, "Mommy, I need to use the bathroom!"

She wasn't finished with her ice cream yet but she really needed to go.

"Okay sweetie just give me one moment," Anna said about to get up but Elsa stopped her.

"I can take her, you just finish your ice cream. I've gotta use the restroom too," she said. Anna nodded.

"Please hold my ice cream for me. I won't be long," Elsa said to Jack. He nodded his head. His ice cream wasn't in a cone so he placed the bowl of his on the table.

"Come here April," Elsa said and had her hand stuck out for her to hold. April ran to hold her aunties hand.

Aspen began to cry.

"Hey, what's the matter baby girl?" Jack asked.

Jack picked up his daughter carefully trying not to get ice cream on her.

She still cried.

"What's wrong?" He asked. Then he thought for a second. Elsa will be so mad at him for this but he did it anyway.

"Hey what's this?" He asked showing Aspen the ice cream cone. She stopped crying and looked at it.

"Jack, what are you doing?" Anna asked. Jack shushed her.

"Will you stop crying if I give you some of mommy's ice cream?" She only grinned. Anna rolled her eyes catching on.

"She's going to kill me for this. For one, Aspen hasn't had ice cream before and two, this is Elsa's ice cream," Jack laughed nervously.

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