Die Hard

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Third POV:

"I still can't believe you think Die Hard is not a Christmas movie," Jack chuckled as they walked inside their house.

"And I can't believe you think it is a Christmas movie," Elsa said seriously.

Elsa and Jack have been together for a year now. They had this conversation last year and they are having it again. Only last year they quit the conversation due to a younger sibling about five decided to ask for her big brother to read her a bed time story. They are both twenty years old now.

"But it is babe. They have Christmas trees in the movie. Christmas music too," he explained. Elsa just rolled her eyes.

"That doesn't automatically make it a Christmas movie though," she said and sat her purse down on a nearby table. She walked to the living room and sat down on a couch.

"Uh... yes it does," Jack said and sat down next to her.

"No it doesn't," she said and looked at him.

"Sure," He said shortly.

It was one of those things that really annoyed her when they were together. Whenever they had an argument over something small he would always say "sure" shortly as if he "believed" her but obviously didn't. And she knew he just did it to annoy her.

"Ugh shut up," she said and grabbed the blanket that laid on top of the couch cushions. She wrapped it around herself and left him with none.

"Hey! Why aren't you sharing?" He whined trying to cuddle with her under the blanket.

"Because you think Die Hard is a Christmas movie," she said.

"That's not fair! It's based on opinion and that's my opinion," he whined.

"And your opinion is wrong," Elsa said. She looked at him and saw that his arms were crossed with a big frown and a pouty face. It made her giggle softly just looking at him.

"Have you even seen Die Hard?" He asked. Elsa stayed quiet. Jack looked at her when she said nothing.

"YOU'VE NEVER SEEN DIE HARD!?!" He exclaimed.

She shook her head and hid half her face under the blanket.

"Okay, I'll be right back. I'm going to go grab the movie," he said and got up to the movie room. The movie room is where they have DVD's of their favorite movies. He ran back into the living room and set up the movie for them.

"There, now, you watch the movie with me then decide if it's a Christmas movie or not," he said softly. He sat back down with her and wrapped his arms around her, hugging her back. She held onto his hands then turned her head to kiss his forehead.

Even if they got annoyed with each other they still loved each other and couldn't stay mad for long.

Once the movie began, Elsa was starting to think MAYBE it's a Christmas movie but as the events rolled out she didn't change her mind.

After the movie was over, they had switched to laying down on the couch. Jack laying on his side and Elsa also laying on her side but Jack was spooning her.

When the credits started playing Elsa turned to look at Jack. His eyes were barely open. She chuckled to herself. He never really was good at staying up during movies. Even if it's his favorite movie, he's fall asleep eventually. Usually the first few times he sees the movies he will stay up but as time goes on, he starts to crash out.

She kissed his nose. "Hey," She said. He opened his eyes fully and did a lazy smirk.

"Hey," he said and kissed her forehead. He then remembers why they were watching this movie.

"So... do you still think Die Hard isn't a Christmas movie?" He asked.

Elsa laughed nervously, "hehe... it's not."

"WHAT!?" He exclaimed again.

"It's not. When I think Christmas movie I don't think people dying because of the villain 24/7 and even when there is a villain in Christmas movies, they don't go killing people in them," Elsa reasoned. Jack just pouted.

"Oh stop pouting. We can agree on some things but this will definitely not be one of them," she chuckled and pecked his lips. After she kissed him, he completely stopped pouting and sighed. He turned off the tv and held her closer. She snuggled into him.

"Fine. I won't argue about it again, even though it most definitely IS a Christmas movie. We won't talk about it anymore," Jack said and rested his head atop hers. Elsa rolled her eyes.

"Whatever you say Jack," she said and slowly fell asleep. He looked at her then kissed her again.

"I love you," he whispered.

"I love you too! Now let me sleep," she whispered back. Jack softly laughed then fell asleep beside her.

Even if they didn't have the same opinion on somethings or got along sometimes they still loved each other in the end, very much.

Saturday, December 28, 2019

A/n: Yay! Another update. I've had a lot of things going on in my life lately. Work has been scheduling me like crazy and the holidays are here. I hope everyone had a happy holiday and I hope you all have a happy new year as well! I will try my best to try and update my other stories, I'm just stuck right now. I'm stuck trying to put everything on paper. The ideas are there, I'm just struggling with writing it down. Anyway don't forget to:

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