Puppy Love

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Third POV:

Elsa and Jack Frost have been married for almost four years. Their anniversary is coming up. They have a three year old daughter, Emma. Jack got Elsa and Emma a puppy for Christmas. It was a golden retriever.

Elsa and Jack were doing some housework and their daughter was just sitting on the couch. She had taken her daddy's phone to watch a movie on it.

Jack somehow knew she had his phone when he was looking for it. Elsa was helping him look for it as well but she stopped when she looked in the living room.

There on the couch was Emma and their puppy Winston. After Jack brought Winston home, Emma and him were inseparable. Emma loved the puppy and the puppy loved being with kids.

Emma was sitting on the couch comfortably not being bothered by anything while watching a movie on her daddy's phone. And stroking the puppies fur. Winston was just laying on her lap.

Elsa couldn't help but smile at the cute sight she saw in front of her. She ran back to the bedroom and grabbed her phone then found Jack in their bathroom.

"Jack, come here," Elsa said and grabbed his hand.

"I'm still trying to find my phone, wait," he said. Elsa rolled her eyes but still held his hand almost dragging him out of their room.

"I found your phone but you need to be quiet when I show you where it is," she said still walking him towards the living room.

Once they were in the living room, Jack saw what Elsa saw a little bit ago. His daughter on the couch watching a movie on his phone with their little dog laying in her lap. She seemed to be dozing off.

Elsa has her phone out recording them for a little bit. After about twenty seconds she put her phone away then looked back at Jack to see him smiling at their little girl and the puppy.

"I love you," she said kissing his cheek. He looked at her and held her hand.

"I love you more," he said kissing her hand.

"No, I love you most," she said giggling. Jack rolled his eyes at her this time.

"That's not possible. End of discussion," he said and surprised her by picking her up. He threw her over his shoulder.

"Jack!" Elsa exclaimed.

Emma looked up at her parents now fully awake.

"Daddy? What are ywou dwoing?" Emma asked giggling.

"Just carrying your mother," he said casually, "What are you doing?" He asked back. Elsa was just dangling there wondering when he would put her down. She rested her head on her hand waiting for him to put her down.

"Jwust watching a mwovie and pwetting Winston," Emma said looking down at him.

"Have you seen my phone Emma?" He asked. Emma stopped what she was doing then hid his phone behind her back.

"I dwon't know daddy," she grinned at him.

"Hmm... Okay then," he said and was about to leave when Elsa asked, "Can you please put me down now?"

"Nope!" Jack exclaimed then ran around the house with her still dangling.

"Jack *laughs* put me down please," she laughs.

He didn't put her down until they arrived in their room. He plopped her down on the bed and laid on top of her.

Their laughs subsided as they looked each other in the eyes. They were both just smiling at each other.

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