Please... Don't Go

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Just a heads up this is going to be a very sad Jelsa one shot

Third POV:

Elsa and Jack have been together for many years. They started out as high school sweet hearts. They were together throughout college even though long distance was a pain in the butt. They still managed to make it work though.

They got married when they were 24 years old. They had their first child a year later. A little girl who looked just like her mother and has her father eyes. Then about four years later they had their second child. A little boy who looked just like his father but has his mothers eyes.

They lived happily together for about two years. Meaning they were 31 years old. Their daughter was six years old and their son was two years old.

They were a happy little family of four. Just when they thought life couldn't get any better than this... something terrible happened.

Elsa... was not well... they had been to many different doctors to treat her. It was some type of cancer.

When Elsa first started feeling the symptoms she shrugged it off thinking nothing of it until it was a continuous feeling.

She didn't tell Jack until after her first visit. It was night and the kids were asleep in their rooms. She was laying down on her bed with Jack beside her. He was on his computer and Elsa's back was facing him. She sighed then turned towards him.

"Jack," she called. Jack looked at her then put his laptop on his night stand. He moved closer to her.

"Yes?" He asked as he held her closer to him.

"I have to tell you something important," she said. Jack stayed silent waiting for her to continue.

"This is hard to say but... I have cancer..." she whispered but he heard it. She couldn't believe it, that's why she's whispering and having a hard time with it.

Jack was taken aback and looking at her, thinking this has to be a joke, right?

"I am confused Els. How do you have cancer?" He asked. She just shook her head trying to keep her tears in. She snuggled her head up closer to his chest. Trying to bury herself.

"I don't know. They asked me about my family history. They think that could be the cause," Elsa whispered.



"Did they say what we or they can do for you?" He asked.

"They said any of the usual things that help slow down the cancer like chemotherapy but they aren't sure what the outcome will be," she said.

"We will figure this out and you will be fine," he said and kissed her head. "I know it," he continued but not sure if he is right.

About two years pass again and Elsa was not getting any better. Elsa started saying she wants to start making videos for her kids. So that when they are older they have something to look back on at their mother. And of course, for Jack too.

Jack however thought she was accepting the fact of death even though she could probably get better. He wasn't losing hope ever. He believed she would be fine.

"I just don't understand why you are giving up already. I think you will be fine," Jack said getting annoyed with all the videos they have been making. He's trying so hard not to argue with her but this... this is hard.

The kids were staying over at their Aunt Anna's house to be with their cousins while Elsa and Jack were home making videos and apparently arguing.

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