"The alcohol is poison and their body heals it" Faline raises her hand before hiccupping.

"Am I drunk?" Stiles asks.

"You're both wasted," Scott says.

"Yeahhhhhh," Stiles says. "Come on dude, I know it feels bad. I know it hurts, I know. Well, I don't know."

"But I know this" Faline hiccups. "I know that as much as being broken up with hurts, being alone is way worse"

"That didn't make any sense" Stiles laughs. "We need a drink"

Faline reaches for the bottle but it is snatched from them.

"Well look at the two little bitches and their skank getting their drink on?"

"Excuse me?" Faline asks.

"Give it back," Scott says

"What's that little man?"

"I think he wants a drink" The man's companion chips in.

"I want the bottle"

"You know what?" The man says. "Give us an hour with her and you can have the bottle back"

"I have more respect for myself you fucking asshole," Faline snorts.

"Scott maybe we should just go," Stiles says.

"You brought me here to get me drunk," Scott says. "I'm not drunk yet"

"That's because you can't get drunk silly," Faline slurs. 

Scott stands up and squares up to the man.

"Give me the bottle," Scott says.

The man scoffs and shakes his head.

"Give me the bottle of Jack," Scott says, his voice distorted and demonic.

"He's been possessed" Faline gasps.

"Scott!" Stiles says, both the drunk teens sobering up at the sight of Scott's claws.

Scott snatches the bottle and launches it into a tree.

"I thought he wanted to drink it?" Faline asks.

"Are you sober yet?" Scott asks.

"Totally," Faline says and Scott helps her to her feet. "See?"

Faline puts her pointer finger on her nose and tries to walk forwards before losing her balance and she falls into the dirt.

"Did you see that?" Faline asks. "The ground moved up to hit me? Hi ground, how are you on this fine evening?"

Stiles and Scott help Faline up.

"Please tell me that was because of the breakup," Stiles says. "Or 'cause tomorrow's the full moon? Going home now yeah?"

The pair of still drunk teenagers clumsily try and climb into the jeep.

"Oh, shit," Faline says as she hits her head on the roof of the jeep.

"Let's get you home"

After Scott unlocks her door, Faline walks into her empty house and turns the living room light on.

"Dash?" Faline calls.

"He's here"

"Derek?" Faline asks, her face bursting into a big grin.

Faline runs across the room and crashes into the older man's arms.

"Don't" Faline hits Derek. "You" Hit. "Ever" Hit. "Scare me like that again"

"I'm sorry," Derek says. "Please explain to me how I am now the most wanted fugitive in the state?"

"It was all Scott," Faline says. "He told Jackson, Allison, and Lydia that you were killing people"

"I'm going to kill him"

"But then you'd really be a murderer," Faline says, watching as Dash snuggles into Derek. "Besides I slapped him hard as shit"

"You reek of alcohol," Derek says.

"Hmm, we partied," Faline says. "Well, that's a lie. Stiles and I drank whilst Scott was moping. He was a lone wolf"

Faline snickers at her joke as Derek shakes his head.

"Don't you ever change" Derek says with a grin.

"Don't you ever change" Derek says with a grin

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