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THE SENSATION OF BEING watched. It never failed to creep Ethan out. Even after all these years, even when he knew he was capable of protecting himself now.

He turned in the direction and caught Amelia's eye from across the room.

He had sensed her presence before he'd seen her.

She gave him a smile and suddenly, everything somehow glowed.

But he kept his face indifferent and his glare in place.

She looked a little too happy over there. So, he motioned her over.

She obliged while Ethan drowned his half finished drink.

"Hi," she grinned.

"Go to my office right now."

She narrowed her eyes, an objection at the tip of her tongue.

"And how long would I have to wait for you there?"

He looked up and she deflated a little.

"You'll wait an entire day if I make you," he said simply. Like he hadn't been desperately waiting for her since last Sunday.

"You're insufferable, you know," she said before walking away.

It took Ethan a second to process her words.

She'd definitely be getting punished for that.

He ordered another drink, watching the scene unfold in front of him. Some variation of fire play.

He only watched half heartedly. He was only interested in a scene when it was him who was in control.

He sat silently until an hour had passed. He checked his watch, finally deciding to put Amelia out of her misery.

He pulled the door of his office open and was about to say something but the words died on the tip of his tongue when he saw her there, naked and waiting for him.

He ordered his brain to get its shit in order.

The flash of white on her upper arm caught his eye.

"Consider it a warning." He said, walking towards her.

She rolled her eyes.

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