Chapter 1

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To: Alexander
From: the Shadow King


as the next in line for the throne I've expected you to act more responsibly than you have last night. Our family has ruled over this kingdom for centuries and, yet, you turning down marrying princess Aria and refusing to be crowned king is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to this family!

Listen to me my boy, being king is the greatest honor out there. If you want what's best for this family you shall follow our family motto: honor and pride and fulfill your destiny.

Honor is all that is important, my little princeling. You will be crowned king and you will marry princess Aria and that's that. I'm not telling you this as your father, I'm ordering you as your king! If you refuse to do so I'll have no choise but to strip your marks and banish you from this kingdom. Remember, everyone is replaceable, my child. Chose wisely.

Shadow king.

* * *

3 months later

"Are you, Alexander, willing to take the oath?" The Archbishop asked, standing before Alex with a book in his hand.

"I am willing." Answered Alex. He took the book from the Archbishop and held it with a firm grip. Trying not show that his hands were shaking.

"Will you solemnly promise and swear to govern this kingdom according to their respective laws and customs?" The Archbishop ministered.

"I promise to do so."

"Do you swear to do what's best for this kingdom? To look after it like your own two eyes?"

"I swear"

"Will you protect every one of its inhabitants, men and women, old and young without any boundaries?"

"I swear to do so."

The Archbishop nodded, taking the book back from Alex and handing it over to an axillary bishop. He politely took it and moved back letting another priest take his place. The next axillary bishop moved towards his superior and handed the Archbishop a golden crown pillowed on a red cushion.

The Archbishop took it and turned back towards where Alex had gone down on one knee, waiting to be crowned king. "And now, it is my greatest honor to crown you, Alexander Shadow, as Ravenscar's new king!"He announced and placed the crown on top of Alex' head. "Now rise, king Alexander."

(sorry, Ravenscar was the best name I could come up with)

Alex rose up as the crowd that had gathered up in the palace church started to cheer. "I know you will do great things in the future." The Archbishop said in a soft whisper. Alex nodded. The Archbishop smiled and walked away from the newly crowned king, followed by the other priests, leaving Alex standing alone on the wooden stage.

"Congratulations Alex- I mean your majesty" Alex turned around to see a blond haired boy standing behind him. "No need to call me 'your highness', Will. I'm still the same old Alex, with or without the crown."

Will was Alex' body guard. He would have often been in his armour or in training gear but today he was dressed in formal wear, which was a gift from Alex for his services, for the coronation. "You know, your majesty-"


"You know, Alex, you should have invited princess Ari for the coronation. She is your fiaceé after all."

"Oh keep your mouth shut, Will. Ari is the last thing I need right now-"

"Congratulations, big bother!" Alex' brother, Aiden, interrupted, moving towards where Alex and Will were standing

"Besides Aiden" Alex finished with a little chuckle that made Will chuckle as well.

" 'Besides Aiden' what?" Aiden had already reached Alex and Will and was standing inbetween them with a puzzled look on his face.

"Nevermind, Aiden." Alex said, "Will here was just asking why I didn't invite Ari."

"Do tell him, prince Aiden, that inviting princess Ari would have been best." Will said with a frown on his face.

"Yeah, big brother, she is the future queen. You should have invited her." Aiden said. "Besides, if father finds out that you didn't invite her, he'll be furious. You know how he is when we disobey him."

"Aiden, he didn't show up. My own father didn't show up to my coronation. He can't blame me for not inviting Ari if he didn't show up himself." Alex frowed.

For most of Alex' life the Shadow king(former) wasn't around. After Alex' mother, the shadow queen, died he would often isolate himself to the study or to his crypt. And not even today, he would not leave his crypt to come and attend his son's coronation.

Will kept a comforting hand on Alex' shoulder and gave him an encouraging smile. "Cheer up, your majes-Alex-. Even though his majesty is not here in person, he is here in spirit. I bet his majesty is really proud of you right now."

Alex grinned. "You've got to stop reading those books, Will. They are getting in your head- infact, I hereby band you from reading those fantasy books of your!"

"But your majesty-"

"Ouch, your first order was to band your best friend from reading books? That's cold, big brother."

Alex shrugged. "Hm, what can I say? I am the shadow king's son. It's in my blood to be cold."

"Yeah, yeah. Just don't turn out to be like father, Alex." Said Aiden. He gave Alex a pat on the back and walked away and back into the crowd. Will, who had been looking after Aiden, turned to Alex with grin. "Are you really banning me from reading?"

"Nah, not for now." Said Alex, returning the grin. "But I don't make any promises that I won't in the future." He gave Will one final grin and padded into the crowd to join his brother.


Hi guys! So this is my first ever story I've worked on so there might be some mistakes here and there and I'm really sorry about that. (Please take it easy on me. I'm not a pro author like most of you guys)

If there's something that you'd like me to add feel free to leave suggestions in the comments below. Stay safe and have fun!

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