chapter 31

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Toni's pov

We drove into the schools parking lot, "hey park where I normally park" Tricia says from the back, I nod and drive to her parking slot, I park up and turn the engine off "see yea later yea gays" Tricia says as she gets out of the car and shuts the door behind her, I turn to Lucy smiling "you ready for today" I say she smiles and takes my hand in hers, "as ready as I'd ever be" she says, we get out of the car, we get bombarded by Ellie and James shouting our names, we walked over to where they were we smiled and chatted until the bell rang, we walked into school to our lockers "hey I got to go see coach about my hand but I'll catch up with you guys in class" I say as I close my locker, I give a squeeze to Lucy's hand and let go as I walk to the coaches office, "hey heading to coach" I turned to see Brett walking beside me with his arm now in a sling, "wow is it that bad" I say as I point to his hand, he laughs and shakes his head "no dad just wanted to keep it up" he said lifting it up, we got to the office I knocked on the door, as we waited for coach to answer we sat on the chairs next to it, "so you really like my sister huh" he says I felt my cheeks start to blush, he laughs "I take your face as a yes then" he said laughing at how red my face went, "so what about you Brett, anyone on your mind now you're not with Roxy" I say I watched as his face went bright red, but before he could say anything, coach came to the door "right guys come on in" she said we followed her into the office.

We sat down in the chairs provided, "so guys what happened" she said pointing to both of us, me and Brett exchanged a look, and then we took turns explaining what had happened she looked at us taking in every word we said, "so I knocked him on his ass and beat him up for what he did to her" I said as she looked at me curiously, I knew I had to tell her "if you don't mind me asking why, I understand why he did but you" she asked I looked to Brett then back to coach, I swallowed the lump in my throat, "well, she's my girlfriend" I said "but no one knows yet... and I uhm kind of have to come out to everyone..." swallowing the lump in my throat I look to Brett and he gives me a reassuring nod, I continue "...all because of Roxy finding out when, she did she threatened to tell everyone because I got captain" I said explaining everything to her, her faced dropped expression I felt Brett's hand on mine squeezing it for reassurance, "right, so Brett you benched but Toni you will be able to play that's great, also I'm going to drop Roxy from the team because everyone is welcome to the team but not bullies..." she said she got up from her chair and walked round to the front of the desk, "Toni I always knew, but being a teacher we couldn't say anything, and I promise we will get this sorted as this is not accepted" she said smiling to me, I looked up to her and smiled back, "I have a plan of how I'm getting back at her coach, and I wonder if you would be a part of it" I said she smiled and nodded, she let Brett go so I could explain to her the plan I had, she liked what I had come up with, "I will help as much as I can" she said.

"Could we possibly not tell Roxy she's not on the team until after I've done the speech" I say she nods her head and agrees with what I've said, "okay with everything explained, you should get to class" she said pointing to the door, I get up to leave "thanks coach, for everything" I say closing the door, I walk to science in silence I come to the door and see Lucy laughing to what James had just said, I walk in to the class and straight to the teachers desk giving him the note from coach "sorry had to speak to her about this" I say holding my hand up in the brace, he nodded and let me sit down, I move next to Lucy smiling "hey guys what we doing" I say as I take her hand and smile to everyone, with them explaining everything we got on doing the work, with my hand still in Lucy's hand she leans over "so what's made you so confident" she whispers into my ear so only I could hear, I turn to her smiling "because I know Roxy can't do anything to harm me" I say smiling she put her hand on my shoulder smiling, "I'll explain at lunch" I said as we carried on with the work.

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