chapter 4

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Toni's pov

I walked out the classroom with a smirk I stepped to the side waiting for her, I looked to my phone, waiting for her to come out, by this point everyone was in the corridor on the way to the cafeteria or waiting for their friends, someone stops in front of me I look up hoping its Lucy, but instead I'm met with the worst people you could think of, my sister and her best friend Roxy, honestly her name sounds like a dog's name "wicked witch of the east and my lovely sister the wicked witch of the west, what can I do for you?" I gave them a smile each the little group of friends surrounded me, "so I hear you went to camp with Lucy..." my sister spoke up I nodded waiting for them to continue, "I'm just going to say this once, Toni you need to back off she needs to be with people who are cool and well you and your band of misfits aren't exactly cool" Roxy spat out.

That's when I saw her she was in the middle of the corridor, she was looking for me, god she looked beautiful and then our eyes met, I smiled "look Roxy just cause your dating her brother doesn't mean she has to hang out with you, and plus it's her own choice I'm not making her..." I could see her coming closer she stopped so she wouldn't interrupt the commotion, "... so if she wants to hang out with you guys then she can, but I'm not going to force her to hang with me and my "band of misfits", I'm showing her around school and while I'm doing it I'm making it fun so please ask her if she wants to hang out with me someone who hasn't done anything wrong and is actually her friend or with you just because you dating her brother..." I say waiting for Roxy to reply, she looked up at me "look if you don't leave her alone I'll get her brother on you..." she stepped closer and whispered into my ear, "and I'll let your little secret out to the whole school..." she stepped back smirking, what secret, what does she know about me my mind raced and before I could speak I heard her angelic voice, "it's not up to you with who I hang out with, she's done nothing but be nice to me, so back off..." she said stepping in between us.

I could help but stifle my laugh, "so you can go tell my brother, that I will see him at home, goodbye Roxy..." she said as she grabbed my hand and started walking down the corridor, "turn left..." I said as she rounded the corner and we were met with double doors leading to the cafeteria, she let go of my hand as we walked through the doors, "so Roxy really doesn't like you does she?" Lucy said following me up to the line, "no she doesn't, and it's been that way since her and my sister became best friends, she turned my sister against me and I may have done something back at her because of it, and ever since she's hated me..." she stops picking up two trays handing me one, " and honestly I don't even remember, I think James knows but I don't know how..." she picks her food and I pick mine chicken burger with extra fries, my favourite.

We pay for our food and I lead Lucy to our table I see James and Ellie haven't got there yet, I take my seat with Lucy taking the seat beside me, "so how long have you lived around here?" I asked being curios because I've not seen her around town, and I want to get to know her so starting of easy, she looked up from her food, "oh well I've pretty much lived here all my life but for a while I lived with my mum which is why I went to saint Marys because she lived closer to their then here..." she said, I turned to my bag and reached and got my blood sugar out, she looked at me curiously, I noticed she was curious, " I'm a type one diabetic, I have to test before I eat and inject insulin to keep my levels stable" I smiled testing my levels as she watched curiously "11.6 that's okay, could be better..." I say with a smile, she smiled back, there was no judgment which I loved, "how long have you been a diabetic?" she asked shoving a chip into her mouth, " since the age of five, I had to learn fast about my new life style..." I said not bothered with that she asked, because honestly I prefer it when people ask instead of having people just staring, and when I was ten, twelve, I got bullied for being a type one and to be honest I don't look like your stereotypical diabetic, but I'm proud to be a diabetic.

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