chapter 15

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Toni's pov

We was half way down the road to the twins school, my hand was in eves hand and Lucy was walking in front with Suzie, "are you lulus girlfriend?" eve said with the cutest lisp, I looked down to her and back up to Lucy, we was far enough so she couldn't hear us, I looked back to eve "I don't know yet?" I said truthfully, "well you are ten times better then Roxy" she said back, I couldn't help myself from laughing, which made Lucy turn around to see what was so funny, "I'll tell yeah later..." I said waving my hand at her, she turned back around shaking her head, "I know I'm better" I said nudging eve softly, she chuckled as we walked around the fence of their school, I stopped walking and bent down to eve, Lucy carried on walking not realising "hey can you keep a secret?" I asked her and she shook her head excitedly "you can't tell Lucy, promise..." I said holding my pinkie out to her, she took it with a big smile and I smiled back, "I'm going to ask Lucy to be my girlfriend what do you think about that?" I looked at eve as her eyes grew wide and her smile even wider.

She jumped around excitedly, "I'm guessing you like that idea huh?" I said as I took her hand again and walked up to where Lucy was waiting, eve let go of my hand and hugged me I bent down to give her a proper hug, "goodbye Toni" she said, I released her from the hug "hey we are friends you can call me ani" I said with a smile she nodded her head and ran off with Suzie before the bell went off, "she never hugs people if she's just met them, what did you guys talk about?" Lucy said walking over to my side turning to watch eve and Suzie walk in to the class we waved at them as they walked through the door, "that's our little secret, lulu" I said nudging her, we turned around and started to walk to school I put my hand in hers, intertwining our fingers.

School was a five minute walk from the girls school, so we walked as fast as we could so we wasn't late, "it's crazy how well you was with them both" Lucy said moving closer to me i looked to her smiling, "they are normally so shy..." she continued as we walked through the doors of school just before the bell rang, "I have a lot of young cousins" I said with a smile, we untangled and walked down the corridor to our lockers just grabbing quickly what we needed, there was a few stragglers wondering and running to the first class, I shoot my locker to see Lucy standing at her locker waiting for me, "come on we got math" I said with a disfigured look, she took my hand and we walked to math together in a comfortable silence.

The first two lessons went by quickly even though they was super boring, I walked out of my science class with Lucy and Ellie laughing about camp when, Roxy stormed up to me, "I'm going to ruin your school career, Antoinette..." she said stopping right in front of me, "everyone in school is going to find out about your little secret..." she said pointing at me angerly I had no clue as to what I had done wrong, "what the hell Roxy I've done nothing wrong" I said back pushing her away from me, I saw my sister running up to us, "Roxy she's done nothing wrong it's not her fault..." Tricia said trying to calm her down, "you knew I wanted this and you took it from me" she said pushing Tricia out of the way, at this point we had formed a crowed, my blood boiled from the force that Roxy had pushed my sister, "don't need to push her because of something I've apparently done..." I said stepping forward, I felt Ellie grab my arm trying to hold me back, "which I have no clue about, so why don't you back of and not push my sister around..." I finished saying getting closer to her but before anything could go further.

"Alright laddies break it up..." I heard Mr Thompson say from his classroom door, "Roxy, Tricia, walk that way..." he said pointing left, "and Toni and Ellie go that way, if I have to give detentions I will" he said pointing the other way, I felt Ellie push me in the direction we was told, and Lucy followed behind, we walked down the corridor for a while, "so what was that about?" Ellie said breaking the silence, I shook my head "I have no clue..." we walked up to the billboards of activities when I saw the fixtures sheet with my name in bold underneath captain and Ellie's under co-captain, I turn to her with a big grin on my face, "what?" she said with a confused look, all I did was point to the sheet as I watched her reaction form, she turned to me looking like a kid who had too much sugar and was about to burst with excitement, "we made it bitches..." she shouted and jumped in my arms, "we are captains baby..." I said joining in the celebrations. I let her go and turned to Lucy she had a big smile on her face, and hugged me in celebration, "congratulations, guys...", we rushed to the cafeteria so we could get our usual spot, Ellie walked in first, and then Lucy and I followed in behind her, I could feel everyone's eye's on us, I looked up to the table where Tricia and Roxy was sitting, they had stopped eating and stared at us too, Roxy giving us dirty looks as we walked past their table to get to ours, we got to our table and I watched as Roxy stormed out with Tricia trailing behind her.

A little while later we was in mid excitement when, we heard,"hey guys, why you so happy?" James said as he joined us at the lunch table, I looked to Ellie and back to James, "WE MADE CAPTAINS!!" we shouted in unison, Lucy laughed beside me because of how happy we were, James turned to us from his food and cheered with us, and that's when the doors to the cafeteria swing open bringing my sister to view, she looked around frantically, I stood up walking in her direction when she saw me she rushed over to me, bringing me into a hug, "look I'm telling you this now, but she's going to tell the whole school that..." she said pulling away but pulling back into my ear so only I could hear, "your gay..." she said my whole body went stiff, I could feel my hands start to shake, sweat started to form, my mouth went dry, I felt like I was about to pass out, "she said she's going to ruin your life for getting captain..." she said trying to hold me up, she pulled away looking into my eyes which were burning from trying to hold back the tears, "she said she's going to do it at our first game..." I pushed my sister out of the way, and the room started to spin it felt like all their eyes was on me.

I stood still and noticed Lucy staring at me from the table, "are you okay?" she mouthed, I couldn't answer, I just turned on my heal and walked out as fast as I could, I couldn't breathe I needed to get out, I couldn't control my feet when I walked out the doors and rounded the corner I saw her, Roxy, leaning against her locker she noticed me and smirked, "i'm going to ruin your life, just like you've ruined mine, get ready because everyone is going to know that you Toni... is GAY!!"  she shouted as I ran in the other direction, I didn't know where I was going but I didn't care, but then I stopped at a door, the door to the football crib, I opened the door and it was empty, I shut the door behind me and I lent against the wall and just crumbled it felt like my whole world was crashing down, I couldn't breathe I placed my head in my knees moving into a ball, I didn't know how long it had past but I heard the door open, but I didn't move from my position and then I felt two hands fall onto my hands, I knew who it was from the simplest touch, her hands was so soft on mine, "I'm here for you, when you want to talk about it" she said, I looked up to see Lucy kneeling in front of me with a smile of reassurance, I saw that she had brought my bag.

I leaned my head back against the wall, and sighed deeply "my sister says that Roxy is going to tell everyone at school that I am gay, because I got captain..." I said trying not to cry in front of Lucy but I couldn't keep them at bay any longer, "and she's going to do it at the first game of the season which is in 3 weeks..."I said rubbing my eyes with my hand, "...and I'm not out to my parents, and knowing them they will be there" I said dropping my head, and then I felt her hand on my chin as she lift's my head up, "I am here for you no matter what, and this bitch Roxy isn't going to do anything, and I'm going to make sure of that" she said taking my hand in her other, bringing it to her lips she planted a sweet kiss, I put my other hand on her cheek rubbing gentle circles with my thumb we learned in closer and our lips connected, they moved together rhythmically, we parted for air when we heard the bell ring.

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