chapter 8

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Toni's pov

"Do you live close then..." she asked, I nodded as we turned the corner, we walked past a few houses, when I stopped, "this is my home..." I said smiling, she looked confused, "I'm literally 2 minutes away from the café and 5 from school..." I said as I let go of her hand and walked to the door, she just stood there frozen, "are you going to stand there until I come back out or do you want to come in..." I said with a smile she started walking to me, with a smile on her face, I open the door to my house and we walk through to the kitchen, where my mum was "hey sweetie, I see we have a new friend..." she says as she gives me a hug and notices Lucy behind me, she walks over to her and gives her a hug too, my mums a hugger I guess, "this is Lucy she's new to school mum..." I say pulling my mum away from Lucy, she turns to me " Tricia home yet, I need to talk to her?" I ask mum, she walks back to her cooking, "she should be upstairs in your room, I think she's with a friend" she said not taking her eyes from the pot on the hob, I sigh and look to Lucy, "I'll be a minuet, I need to talk to me sister..."

I walk out the kitchen up the stairs to our room, god I hope her friend isn't a boy, I stop and knock on the door, I hear muffled sounds, oh god pretty please don't be a boy, "come in" I hear her say, I open the door to see my sister and her friends sat around her bed, thank you it's not boys, I notice Roxy is here, she looks at me and smirks, I could seriously knock her out right here, right now, I walk closer to Tricia, "hey Tricia can I talk to you privately please?" I ask her she looks away from her book and at me, "please..." I say again walking out the room, she follows me to the bathroom, she walks in and locks the door, we walk through the other door to mum and dads room, I sit on the bed she sits next to me, "what did you want to talk about?" she asked I turned to her with anger heating up inside me.

"Right I want the truth okay..." she nods before I carry on, "has Roxy told you anything about me lately?" I questioned, she looked at me confused, I guess she has not told her yet then, and if I don't tell her, she will kill me, so here goes nothing... "I'm guessing she hasn't said anything yet, well I need to tell you before she does" I take her hand, me and my sister has a weird relationship but when we are alone it's like we are our true selves we aren't pretend like we are when we are in front of our friends, it's great that we can be this way, absolutely assholes to each other at school but loving and caring when we are at home and alone. And I needed to tell her.

"Jeez can you just tell me already my friends are waiting" she said sarcastically, she smiled, I looked at her funny, I shook my head at my sister as she chuckled, "okay, look Roxy knows something about me and I want it to come from me before she tells you, and I don't know how she got it but she has my diary, and she's read it all, and I need you to know..." I said standing up I walk over to mums night stand, I turn and look at her, "I'm gay, and Roxy knows and I don't know what she's going to do about it, but you can't say anything because mum and dad doesn't know and I'm not ready to tell them yet..." I ramble of fumbling with my fingers, I watched as she stood up she walked over to me, she pulled me into a hug, "I won't say anything until you're ready, your my sister and she's just a bully, she won't do anything without me knowing, and anyway I knew u didn't have to tell me..." I hugged her back confused on how she knew.

"Can I ask you something though?" she looked to me, I nodded, "do you have a crush on Lucy?" I felt my cheeks go red, she laughed and hugged me again, "because I think she likes you..." she whispered into my ear, she pulled away, "she's actually downstairs with mum right now" I said as we started walking back through the bathroom, "what you've left her with mum for this long" she said as she ran past me, to the stairs, "I have to see what's happened" she said I started to chase her down the stairs, which we came to a halt "hey girls" mum said as we walked into the living room where my mum and Lucy was siting, Lucy saw me and smiled I smiled back, "so we are going to head back out".

"Thanks, you ready?" I said to Lucy she nodded and stood up putting her cup down, "yeah thank you Mrs Cortez for the cup of tea." She said turning to mum and giving her a hug, "oh please call me Tracey, don't have to be so formal" she said hugging her back with a smile, I stood there waiting for them to stop hugging "uhm... we got to get going" I said pulling them from the embrace, "don't be too late okay sweetie and your bag is on the kitchen counter" I nodded and started to walk to the kitchen picking up my bag and my car keys, Lucy followed behind me, she followed me to the garage door, I walked to the furthest away from the door I started to open the passenger seat as I saw Lucy stood there eyes wide, "are you going to get in then?" I said she looked at me, "you have a ford mustang" she said with such surprise, it is a blue 1968 ford mustang GT.

"Yeah my dad got me it because he got a promotion and same with the minis, ones mums and the other Tricia's" I said with a smile, she slid into the passenger seat, I shut the door and walked around to the driver side, I slid in and started her up, she roared loudly I looked to Lucy and saw her with a big smile on her face, the radio automatically connected to my phone Halsey strangers, I pressed the button to the garage door and reversed out, as soon as I was on the road I put my foot down on the acceleration, making the outside world go by in a blur, we went through town and past the docks, we turned down a road just outside of town, the sides were covered in trees, I knew it was a long straight so I put my foot down again, making the trees go by in a blur, I started to slow down as we came up to a car park I pulled up and turned the engine off.

"Welcome to the best place, just out of town" I said as I got out of the car, I walked round to my boot opening it and getting a blanket out, I shut the boot and Lucy joined me as she shut the door I locked the car, "come on we just got to walk a little bit" I said expanding my hand to her, she came round to my side and took my hand, I led her through the forest "you're not going to kill me right" she said laughing I turned to her smiling, we carried on walking a little bit further, to an open passage, the was a small hut and a cliff edge, "okay so this is the best place just out of town" I said laughing, I walked over to the edge of the cliff looking over the town, I placed the blanket on the floor near the edge, I sat down and Lucy followed she sat next to me taking my hand in hers, "this view is amazing" she said with a smile, I could take my eyes of her, in the moonlight she looked so beautiful she took my breath away.

"What?" she said blushing, I turned away, "nothing I was just enjoying the view" I said turning back to her, she shifted closer putting her head on my shoulder, I placed my head on hers we sat her in comfortable silence for a while, "so, can I ask you a question, you don't have to answer it if you don't want to?" I said lifting my head from hers, she looked to me waiting for me to continue "so how come your living with your dad now?" I asked, she turned away from me, it was silence for a little bit "well I... came out to my mum during summer after camp..." she swallowed a lump in her throat and continued, "and well she didn't take it well, to the point where it was getting dangerous for me to be living there with her, so I moved in with my dad and his new family" she said turning to me I noticed a tear falling down her cheek, I placed my hand on her cheek and wiped away the tear, "I hope you are never in that position ever again" I said leaving my hand on her cheek, she smiled slightly.

I laid down on the blanket, Lucy laid down with me I put my arm around her as we stared up to the stars, and sat there in comfortable silence again "do you remember the first day of camp?" she said I looked to her, "of course I do it was the first day I meet you" I said placing a kiss on her forehead, she laughed and pulled away, "you fell asleep on me" she said laughing, I pulled away looking at her, "no I didn't."

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