chapter 14

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Lucy's pov

I woke up to my phone's alarm ringing loudly, I turned over turning it off I laid back down again, "lulu is you awake..." I heard my youngest sister popping her k, the door swung open reviling Suzie stumbling over to my bed, I chuckled to myself as I watched her struggle to crawl on my bed she was 5 and this was a big bed according to her and her twin, "hey monster what you doing up, it's the weekend..." I said knowing full well it's a school day but it made her laugh, "no silly its school day..." she struggled saying, she had a lisp so some words were hard for her to say like 'it's' and 'school' anything really with a k or a s, I wrapped her up in my cover, she giggled as I wrapped her in a hug, "ten more minutes" I say holding her tightly she laughed of the contact, and that's when I heard her sister stomp in, "lulu, daddy says its breakfast time..." I hear eve say, I roll over with Suzie still wrapped in my cover, I release her placing her on the floor.

They ran out of my room as I got out of bed I wandered downstairs, to the kitchen I see Brett sat at the table playing with eve and Suzie, I walk over to dad I give him a peck on the cheek, "someone's happy this morning" he says, I turn to him with a smile, I see he is making pancakes but I remember I'm supposed to meet Toni at the café, "hey is it okay if I meet Toni for breakfast?" I ask turning to him, he turned to me smiling and nodding, I walk back out of the kitchen to my room, I start to get ready when my phone went off, I walk over to see I had a text from Toni my face lit up with excitement, I open it seeing her message,

Ani<3 – morning beautiful, hope you had a goodnight sleep :D

Her message was so sweet I typed my reply,

Lulu<3 – couldn't stop thinking about you <3

I replied with a smile on my face tossing my phone to my bed so I could finish getting dressed, I put on my skater skirt, and one of my many band shirts, I put on some knee high socks and put my vans on that matched my socks, I looked myself over in the mirror and smiled, I walked over to my desk where my bag was, I started to put the things in that i would need for today, I went and picked my phone up and walked out my room and downstairs, "I'll see you guys later..." I shouted as I walked to the door, "hey lulu I know this is a bit late to ask but could you take the girls to school please it's on the way and Brett had to leave early for practice or something..." my dad said coming out of the kitchen with the girls bag, "yea of course, have they had breakfast yet?" I asked as they stumbled out of the kitchen behind dad, he nodded, I smiled and grabbed their bags from him putting their bags on them, one was fully of fairies and the other was unicorns, so we knew who's was who's, eve liked fairies and mermaids and Suzie loved unicorns.

I took their hands in each, as we walked out the door I waved goodbye to dad as I closed the door behind us, taking eves hand again we started walking down the road towards the café, "so we are going to meet my friends before I take you to school, okay..." I said as they both said "okay" in unison as good as they could I smiled to the cuteness, "and if you guys are good I might get you a treat for lunch from the café that we are going to..." I said as they both looked at me with excitement, I chuckled to myself again, we walked for another five minutes when I saw the café in sight, I looked to the window looking for Toni, when my eyes landed on her, my face grew wide with a smile, I stopped just as we were five seconds from the door, I knelt down to the twins, "okay girls so you have got to be well behaved okay and you can pick whatever you want..." I said with a smile as their grins grew wider.

I took their hands in mine and walked through the door, I walked to the bar, "hey could I have one orange juice please and one apple both small and a white coffee please, what food would you girls want?" I said turning to Suzie and eve, they looked to me clueless, I laughed knowing what to get them, "can I have two kids portion of pancakes one with choc chips and another with blue berries please, and can I have an egg and sausage muffin please?" I said to the man in front of me he smiled and punched the order into the till, he then turned around and grabbed two colouring pads and handed them to the girls, I smiled and mouthed thank you, "where are you seated?" he asked, I turned to see Toni staring at me with a smile, smiled back, "with Toni..." I said pointing in her direction, she waved her hand, and I noticed the man smiled, "are she's a regular, one of my best customers..." he said smiling, "I'll bring it over to you when its ready" he said smiling, I nodded and took the girls hands and walked over to Toni and her friends.

"hey guys..." I said smiling, Toni hadn't stopped staring at me since I walked in but James and Ellie turn to see me standing at the end of the booth, they both gave me a smile, I place the girls in the booth beside us, and they drew their focus to the colouring pads they got given, I took their bags of the backs and placed them beside them, I turned to Toni and saw she had already moved over, I sat next to her as the drinks I ordered came over, "so are these two the twins?" I hear Toni saying looking at me with a smile, I turned to her with a smile, "well actually I saw them wondering the streets and just brought them with me..." I said laughing "yeah Suzie and eve I have to take them to school and pick them up afterwards" I said pointing to them both, I handed them their drinks and turned back round to the group, "so what was we talking about when I arrived?" I said placing my head in my hand.

"James was just talking about his stomach..." Toni said throwing a piece of her lettuce, I laughed because it landed straight on his chest, "so, guys what happened after we left?" I looked to Ellie seeing her smile ear to ear, I turn to look at Toni to see her shift in her seat, I place my hand in hers under the table, I squeeze it to reassure her that I am here for her, she turned to me and smiled, "well after you guys left Roxy... came and sat with me and we had this really uncomfortable conversation..." she swallowed a lump in her throat "where she told me she knew everything, what happened at camp, the fact I'm gay and what happened to me and Lucy, and I went into another panic attack but Lucy brought me out of it, and we went to the field, and chilled" Toni said looking to me, I smiled and she smiled back.

"lulu, I need the toilet..." Suzie said pulling on my arm, I turned to the guys smiling, "I'll just be a minute, could you guys watch eve for me..." I said nodding to eve who was still concentrated in her colouring, "yeah of course" Toni said smiling we both slid out of the booths and I took Suzie's hand as I watched Toni slid in beside eve, "so what we colouring?" she said smiling to eve picking up one of the crayons that came with the book, then I felt a pull on my arm pulling me back to reality, I took Suzie to the toilet and helped her wash her hands. We came back and I realised it was time for us to leave, getting close to their school time, "go and put your stuff away and tell eve to do the same" she let go off my hand and ran to the booth, I carried on walking back to the booth watching Toni laugh with eve, she normally shy with strangers they both are but they really seem to like Toni, I watched as I saw her pulling faces at them both making them all laugh.

I wondered back to the booth and I picked up mybag, "are you already leaving?" I hear from behind me, I turn to face Toni"yeah I've got to get these little monkeys to school before their bell" I saidsmiling and rubbing Suzie's hair, she giggled, "I'll come with..." Toni saidstanding up, I looked to her "you don't have to, they really aren't that muchof hard work" I said laughing to myself, she put her hand on my arm, "I want tocome" she said smiling as she picked up her phone and bag, "right girls go pickwhat you want for your lunch" I said as they ran to the pastry counter, Iturned to Toni she was talking with James and Ellie telling them what washappening, "honestly you don't have to, it would make you late for class" Isaid wrapping my arms around her arms placing my chin on her shoulder, "I knowbut I want to" she said pushing a strand of hair behind my ear, "okay..." I saidstanding up straight I turned and walked to the counter, I paid for breakfastand the pastries that the girls choose.

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