chapter 1

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Toni's pov

It's the first football match of the school season, I heard that being captain, your first game would be the one you would remember, the best one of the season because it is your first game, well tonight for me that depends because everything I know is about to change, why... because I'm... gay, and no one knows but tonight everyone is going to find out either from me or from the worst person you could think of the one person on the team who hates me and swore to ruin my life, Roxy. However, the only people who know are my best friends, her and the girl who changed my life, and the worst part about this, is my parents being here and they have no clue either, but for you to understand what led up to this point, I have to start from the begging, the worst day and best day of my life, first day of year 11, the day I met the new girl, the day I found everything was about to change, the day of everything that is good, ends...

"come on... its first day of year 11, I have got to look hot..." shouted my sister from the bathroom, "yeah, but what does that have to do with me..." I said as she came out of the bathroom with her hair tied up in a towel, " cause sweet sister you... have got to look hot too..." she said while eying up my outfit, honestly what was wrong with my outfit, ripped jeans, with a tight crop top and with a red plaid shirt "... uh maybe not in your eyes, but I'm not wearing this outfit for you or for anyone else other than me..." putting my phone into my pocket and getting up from my bed, "...any way sweet... sister... I do look hot..." she looked at me shocked, I walked out of the room grabbing my bag and walking down the stairs, I hear chatter coming from my dad's office, he's in there all of the time, being the boss of your own company seems hard.

However he did come out for his weekly argument which didn't go so great I ended up storming out to the café, to be honest my favourite place in this damn town, I can be me and not who everyone wants me to be, David doesn't care just as long as u pay for something you can stay as long as you want, thank you for twenty four hours opening times, lost in thought I end up in the kitchen, I pick up an apple for lunch, and I pick up my diabetic gear, and do my first test of the day 8.9, that's pretty good for the morning I zip it back up and walk to the stairs and shove everything in my bag, I start to walk out the house when mum comes down the stairs, "morning honey, you off to school? Have you had breakfast, yet...?" I shake my head, "I'm going to meet ellz and jammy at the café" I say to mum, she comes up to me and gives me a hug and a kiss on the head, I squirm out of her hold "okay honey, have a good first day back, I'll let your sister know you have already left." I give her a hug "thanks mum" I say as I walk out the door, I walk down the steps onto the path.

I put my head phones in and put my playlist on, the first song comes on is my favourite lately, Hayley Kiyoko's 'curious', I put my phone back in my pocket, and start walking down the street to the café, I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and non-other than my best friend since we were three.

-TEXT group chat-

Jammy dodger – hey Ani, you on your way??!!

Ginger nut – yea, where r u James is getting hungry, but he won't admit it!!!

Jammy dodger – I do not know what you are talking about, I have already had my breakfast!!!!

Choc chip – okay guys I am round the corner I'll be there in 2, and James don't lie we know ur always hungry. Xa

Jammy dodger – fine I am ordering something now then!!!!

I look up from my phone and chuckle to myself I put it back in my pocket as I walk through the doors to the café I see the group sat in the usual spot I walk up to the counter, "hey can I just have a black coffee, please" I say to David behind the counter, "of course anything for my favourite customer, I'll bring it over to your table with the rest of the drinks" I nod my head and give him the money and walk over to the table, "hey ani Bani..." I cringe to the name James has decided to call me, "dude what's with the name changes? Honestly" I sit next to Ellie, "I'm trying new things this year, instead of keep doing the old boring stuff" so he has to change my name to do that, I think not "dude not my name its either ani or Toni no other name okay dude.." we carry on talking until the food and drinks come over, "hey did you guys hear that someone was starting today..." James says with a mouth full of eggs, "apparently they are a transfer from the all-girls school, saint Marys down the road..." I look up from my coffee this has some what got me interested "do you know her name, or why she's transferring?" I wander, I see the door swing open and I swear to god that Aphrodite had just walked in, because it was definitely the most beautify girl I have ever seen, her brown long hair waved as she turned her head effortlessly, our eyes meet I felt like I was in a trances, and then I felt the pain hit me in the shin I look away to see that James had kicked me.

If looks could kill he would be face down in his eggs, "what....?" I spat out in pain, he looked at me confused, I could see in the corner of my eye that Ellie was smirking too, I gave her a look, "so what was you focused on, huh?" James asked, I couldn't really say oh you know the most beautiful creator I have ever seen, even though these guys have been my best friends since forever, I still hadn't told them that I was gay, I thought about what James had said about trying new things maybe it's time to tell them, maybe they will take it well, maybe they will take it seriously, but then again this is James I'm talking about who is literally sat in front of me playing with his eggs, I felt Ellie put a hand on my shoulder, "hey, what's on your mind ani?" I look to her, right this is it, I am going to tell my best friends everything, here goes nothing, maybe my friendship but I can do this.

"I have to tell you guys something..." I look around to make sure, no one I knew was here that I wasn't ready to know, "come on dude tell us what's up we got to leave in 10..." James said pulling me out of my trance again, "okay so realised something this summer, at that camp thing my dad sent me on,", it was kind of fun because of who I met but the activities was so boring, I look to Ellie, she went to but she didn't find out about anything I think, "oh that's where we meet Lucy, right..." oh god maybe she does know, a panic starts over my body, I look at the clock realising we have to leave soon, "look this is hard for me to say and I'll answer all you questions after school or whenever but I wanted to tell you that... I'm... gay..." James stopped shovelling his eggs into his mouth and Ellie just turned to me with a gasped look, oh god I shouldn't have told them, I didn't know what took over me, it was like I had no control, I just stood up and walked out, I stood outside for a bit, I let out my breath which I didn't know I was holding, I carried on walking leaving my friends and my bag behind.

"Hey ani... wait up..." I hear Ellie shout but I don't stop I couldn't, I wanted to but I couldn't, I wanted to get out of there it was like I needed to get out of there, I suddenly was struggling to breath, I feel to my knees with the panic rushing over me I put my hand on my chest, cause somehow that was going to work, I put my head in my hands, I didn't know how long I was this way as I felt hands come to my shoulder, it was like electricity come through my body, all I could hear was a muffled sound, which it came clear with my vision, "hey are you okay?" it was so calming I looked up to see her kneeling down next to me, her from the café, it was Lucy.


Hey, thank you if you have gotten this far, this is my first story and i hope you have enjoyed the first chapter, and i hope you enjoy the next to come...

Caitlin x

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