chapter 38

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Lucy's pov

It was the day before the football match, you could tell Toni was nervous, for the game, because she was acting weird, I couldn't tell if it was because her sister got released yesterday and her parents came home early, or it was because she was nervous for what she had planned for her parents (and the whole school), we were in my room and she hadn't stopped walking around, "hey babe what do you want to do today" she said I looked up at her "erm, I don't know, what do you want to do" I said, she stopped and looked at me smiling "I want to stay here, with you for the rest of the week" she said as she walked over to me kneeling down in front of me, I placed a kiss on her forehead "you know that can't happen, babe, why don't we go to the café and meet up with Ellie and James" I said smiling as I placed a kiss on her lips, I felt her hum through our lips as it got heated really quickly, I felt her hands wrap around my neck, I pull away "what do you think?" I asked she smiled, "honestly, I would but right now I want... to... be... here... with you cuddled up in bed," she said as she got up, she climbed up onto my bed grabbing my hand and pulling me down to her, I laid my head on her chest and she wrapped her arms around me pulling me closer to her, we stayed like this for a couple of hours, when her phone went off, "Hey bitch, what you doing" I hear Ellie's voice coming through the phone.

"currently, you wouldn't want to know" Toni said with a smirk on her face, I tapped her chest as I got up of the bed walking over to my wardrobe, pulling out a baggy shirt and shorts, I walked over to the bathroom I whispered "I'm going for a shower" as I winked walking into the room closing the door behind me, I got into the shower putting my head fully submerged into the water, when the door opened and closed again, I smiled knowing full well who it was, I got lost in thought when I felt hands wrap around my body and stopped at my breasts, I placed my head back onto her shoulders smiling, letting the hot warm water fall onto our naked bodies, when I felt a light kiss trail down my neck to my collar bone, I turned around wrapping my hands around her neck pulling her closer into a kiss, which got heated really quickly, she picked me up and pined me against the shower wall still allowing our bodies to get wet from the shower, with us both panting and moaning for breath, I ball my hands in her hair as she moans in pleasure, we was in the shower for another hour when we decided to come out and get dressed for the day ahead.

I picked out my knee high socks and my convers, while I waited for Toni to finish up in the bathroom, "babe, come on you look great, why are you taking so long" I said knocking on the door, it opened to reveal the most beautiful person I had ever seen, she was wearing a tight dress that shaped her body so perfectly, my jaw dropped, "babe, is there something wrong" she said with a concerned look on her face, I shook my head "no erm, you look amazing" I mumbled out, she smiled and walked closer to me, pulling me into a hug, I moved closer planting my lips on hers, pulling away slowly I feel her smile, we broke apart and walked to the bed picking our phones up and walk out the door, we went down stairs, "dad we are going out, I don't know what time we will be back" I shouted through the house with a faint "okay honey, will see you later" we walked out the door and got into her car, we drove to the café in comfortable silence, my hand was on her thigh when we turned up to the café, we could see Ellie and James sat in the usual spot. We got out and walked into the café and straight to the booth, "Hey babe, what do you want" Toni asks as I sit down, I look up to her "I'll have a bowl of fries and a coke" I say with a smile, she nods and walk in the direction of the bar.

"so, guys can I ask a question," I ask turning to Ellie and James, they both look up and nod "what's up sweet cheeks" Ellie speaks first, I smile at the remark "have you noticed anything weird about Toni like she seems a bit off and I don't know if it's because of the game tomorrow or because of her coming out to her parents," I say with a concern on my face they looked between each other, "she does normally get really nervous before a game so I'm guessing its intensified since she's the captain and coming out to everyone" James spoke up, Ellie looked to him and smiled, "has she nervously sang yet," she asks looking at me, "or has she drank a lot, and I mean a lot, she normally drinks the night before so it's going to be a fun night tonight" James followed on, I looked between them both and shook my head, "no she hasn't drunk anything, and she hasn't done that either, its little things I'm noticing, for example, she spaces out for a long period of time..." I say I turn to see her still standing at the bar, "she spaced out that much that she forgot what she wanted for breakfast, she even though we had school today and its Sunday" I say at the same time Ellie and James eyes grew wide, "she was even talking about Roxy with a smile on her face" I say just before she got back to the booth.

"so what are you guys talking about" Toni says as she sits next to me, placing her hand on my thigh, she gives it a small squeeze and smiles at me I smile back leaning in giving her a kiss on the cheek, "we been talking about you" James said smiling, "ow what was that for" he said shortly after, I guess Ellie must have kicked him or something, "what, why, babe are you worried about something, cause I'm fine I'm great" she said smiling, I placed my hand on hers and gave at reassuring squeeze, "anyway enough about me, what do you guys have planned tonight" she said turning to Ellie and James, she sat there with a smile "cause we have to do our tradition before the first game, and this year we have new people joining us" she said turning to me smiling, "argh dude I forgot about that, I have a date tonight" James spoke first slamming his hands on the table, Ellie looked at him curious but turned back to us, "I didn't forget, its tradition, I'll be there" she said smiling, "what are you guys talking about?" I asked looking between the three of them, "well every year before the first game, we three break into the school and go on to the roof and have a little mini party type thing but we say stuff we want to come out of this year, type of thing" Toni said smiling, "I've got the drinks sorted, David is going to get us a crate of beer" Ellie says smiling, she turns to James "you have to reschedule" she said, he turned to her shaking his head, "I can't" he said putting his hands up, "come on bro, you have to be there, we always do this" Toni said tapping his shoulder.

"fine, but you guys owe me" he said getting his phone out, he typed a message out and put his phone down, within seconds he got a response, "yep you guys owe me big time, she's text back telling me not to bother" I couldn't help but laugh that he got rejected, he looked at me "don't laugh you owe me to" he said pointing at me with his phone, I put my hands up in defeat smiling to myself, I put my hand back on Toni's lap, "so is your sister going to be there, too" I ask leaning over, she turns to me and smiles "normally it's just us three but since, she's a part of the group now I don't see why not" she said as she turned back to the others, "hey, what about my sister?" she said asking the others, they looked at her, Ellie seemed shocked and James just kept eating, "why, how do we know she's really one of us" Ellie spoke first, I noticed Toni stiffen up next to me, "look Ellie she's my sister, I know you guys have had some bad times, but she's not friends with Roxy anymore and she has no one apart from us" she said leaning forward, "Ellie come on just give her this chance, and if she proves me wrong you can boot ten balls at my back" she said leaning her hand out to Ellie, I turned to her placing my hand on her thigh, I squeezed it lightly giving her a reassuring smile.

"deal" Ellie said placing her hand in Toni's, they let go and Toni gets her phone out dialling her sisters number, "hey turd bucket, so how you feeling?" she says waiting for Tricia to reply, "hey butt face, well you know how it is, but I'm starting to feel fine, why do you want to know?" she replies "well, you know me, James and Ellie have that tradition before the first game of the season, well we was wondering if you would like to come" she finished saying, "yeah, if mum and dad let me that is" she said laughing, "alright, then I'll come and pick you up later" she said hanging up the phone, she turned to me smiling, "is your brother going to come" she said leaning towards me placing her head on my shoulder, I smiled and whispered to her "I did text him, and he said he'd see if he can" I placed a kiss on her forehead, as I placed my head on top of hers, we sat like this for the rest of the time we was at the café, we got up to leave saying our goodbyes, "we will see you outside of school at the hut" Toni said as James and Ellie leave the café, I follow Toni up to the bar, "hey jo, is David around" she asks, he turns smiling to her "yeah, he's out back, I'll go get him" he said as he walks away to the kitchen.

I wrap my arm around her back and place my head on her shoulder, "Hey babe, you okay" she says I hum in response, "yes, because I'm with you, are you okay" I ask, she turns to me smiling, "of course I am, why would you ask" I release my arms from her sides and look up to her, "today you've been acting really weird and not yourself" I say she turns her body to face me fully, her smile dropped, "I haven't, I don't know what you talking about" she says staring at me, I grab her hand, "this morning you woke up at 5, and you was in the shower for a whole hour, you didn't speak to me when you come out..." she dropped her head, I felt the guilt build up in my stomach, "... you just sat on the bed quite with your head in your hands..." I saw a tear roll down her cheek, she takes me into a hug, when David turns up he stays quiet for waiting for us to finish, he truly is a gentleman, "please, babe you need to tell me what's wrong?" we broke apart she placed a kiss on my cheek, pulling away she lingers near my ear, "I'll tell you later" she finishes placing her lips on mine, pulling away she turns to David smiling.

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