chapter 28

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*warning mentions of struggle*

Lucy pov

1 hour or so into the party...

I was sat waiting for dad to get back from the café, he decide to go and get dinner from the café when me and Brett was about to leave, but I said he could go and I'd wait for him to get back, I had decide to wear a cute little blue dress which was a perfect fit, again I had help from eve and Suzie, they was sat watching tv, when dad came in with two bags full of food, "hey come on girls we will have this when we get back, we got to take you sister to the party" he said I smiled and got up when my phone went off, I looked and saw I had a message from Toni;

Ani<3- heyyy are y0u h7re yet??xx

I messaged back quickly,

Lulu- sorry had to wait for dad to get back I'll be there in like 5 minutes xx

I smiled to my phone as we got in the car, he drove to the house and I saw so many kids out on the grass, "you be careful tonight, okay lulu but have fun" dad said, I looked to him and smiled, "I will" I said as I leaned over and gave him a peck on the cheek, I opened the door and got out I shut it and walked up to the front door, I walked in seeing a load of people I didn't know but there was one set of eyes I could not pull away from, I smiled as she started to walk towards me, she looked hot in her black dress, she grabbed my hand and dragged me into the room on the side, she shut the door and led me to the couch that was in the room, I sat down on her lap "you... look... amazing..." she said and I couldn't help but smile, "I could say the same to you" I said as I leaned forward connecting our lips together, we broke apart from a knock at the door I stood up from her lap so she could stand up, she placed her hand in mine and we walked to the door, she opened it revealing Tricia "oh it was you guys, I thought it was some random couple..." she said laughing.

"well, we are random I don't know what you're talking about" Toni says with a smile, I laugh at her statement we walk out of the room and down the corridor to the back garden, she led me to the bar that was set up, we got two beers and went to sit down, we sat talking for a while when my favourite song came on, it's not living (if it's not with you) by the 1975 "come on lets go dance" I said putting my cup down and taking her hand, she did the same and followed me to where people was dancing, we started dancing and I could tell she was nervous because she kept looking around at everyone else, but I pulled her focus on me, I put her hands on my hips and started swaying and she got comfortable, we started to jump around dancing to the song playing, we got into dancing that we danced for another 5 songs, "I'm need to go to the toilet, I'll be back soon" I whisper into her ear, I peck her on the cheek and we walk out of the crowed hand in hand we let go as I go indoors and she heads to the bar for another drink. I walk through the crowed to the bathroom.

I finish up and walk out, I turn towards the living room to see if I could find my brother, I stand at the door way watching him interact with his friends, when I felt a hand on my shoulder I turn smiling thinking it was Toni but it was the guy from camp, "hey remember me" he asked, I couldn't speak so I start to walk back, he follows me out the front door I turn on my heel and walk fast trying to get away from him, "hey I just want to talk" he says I stop at the edge of the porch and turn to him, I didn't realise how close he was, "you know I could make you better" he said smiling stepping closer to me, I step back "I don't know what you're talking about" I said he stepped closer and I stepped back putting my back against the tree, "yes you do, she's put this into you head, you need a real man to help you" he said, I knew what he was talking about now, "can you step back please" I said trying to push him back but he wouldn't move, instead he grabbed my wrists and pushed me harder against the tree, "see she's not here now, we can do what we want" he said as he started to lean towards me I screamed "HELP! PLEASE SOMEONE HELP" I kept screaming, I closed my eyes as he got closer, I felt my body go stiff, then it went light.

"Lucy, are you okay" I opened my eyes to see Tricia holding me up, I burst out crying and falling into her arms, when James came up beside us, "are you okay" he said placing his hand on my shoulder, then it disappeared quicker then it appeared, I watched him run to help Brett, two guys was trying to pull him of the guy, I couldn't remember his name and I didn't care that's when I felt Toni wrap her arms around me, "hey... it's okay I'm here..." she said I couldn't speak I couldn't move I just broke down in her arms, "oh there's your dyke girlfriend" I heard him shout when I felt her arms move away from me, "just give me a minuet" she said as she walked over to him and punched him in the face making him fall to the floor, she got on top of him and repeatedly punching him in the face, when another guy pulled her of him, "Toni that's enough, Toni come on" he kept saying while dragging her of him, I ran to her when she was away from him she pulled me into a hug.

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