chapter 5

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Toni's pov

In art we were sat around a table with four to it so obviously me James Ellie and Lucy got a table, Ellie sat next to me and James next to Lucy, we was asked to paint something from the heart for today, I loved the art teacher because she was a real hippie, she kept it mellow as she would put it, and she came out always with the crazy projects which was always fun, I got concentrated when I heard James talk to Lucy, "so you really don't think I'm handsome?" he asked he seemed quit defeated because a girl didn't like how he looked, she looked up from her art to see me staring waiting for her answer, I looked back to my work like I got caught spying, "look, it's not that you're not handsome..." she got closer so only the table could hear it "... you're not really my type..." she said, I smiled to the comment, because James I'm her type boy, I chuckled to my little comment I looked up to her smirking in my direction, "so, what is your type? Gingers? Nerds? Nerdy muscle guys things?" I could not help but laugh to everything he just said, he looked at my way confused with why I was laughing.

"none of them are my type, how is this easy to say to you?" it was like a light bulb went off in her head, she grabbed a bit of paper from her note pad and wrote a note, and passed it to James, which he then passed it back, what was they writing, they passed it back and forth laughing every now and then, I got back to my work, after a while I got a bit of paper thrown my way, "hey so erm Lucy's gay too, I told her that you had just come out and that you are single ;D – jdog the best wing man there is" I shook my head to the note he had passed me I looked up to see them both staring at me, I wrote down my answer "James I know she is we met at camp remember --_-- - aniconbi to good for a wing man" I passed it back and he read it, he looked up from the note defeated from my comment, he started to write back, he passed the note just before the bell went, I looked before packing up my stuff "did something happen at camp between you two :O – jdog" he wrote I looked at him, he was waiting for me to answer, all I did was scrunch up the paper and shoved it into my bag.

I left with Lucy to pe, "so what was you and James talking about?" I asked Lucy looking to her, she smiled, "you actually, I also told him..." she lent closer to my ear so only I could hear it "that I'm fully gay..." she said my eyes grew wide I turned and looked at her I felt my cheeks go red, I shot my head back round walking to the changing rooms to my locker, Lucy's was two down from mine, "so what was you and James talking about?" she asked me I looked towards her, "you..." I said opening the locker to get my clothes out, I started to get change when I felt eyes on me, I turned to see Lucy staring even though there was other students around she didn't care, I finished getting changed slowly so she could enjoy what she was seeing, by the time everyone was finished coach came through, " right laddies today as its first day back we are going to do a game of football out in the field because we didn't really plain anything, and I know a lot of you are on the football team or shall we say want to be on the football team, so laddies make this lesson as your try outs for the team and we need a new captain and co-captain, get out on the fields and do the nets..." she shouted blowing her whistle everyone started to pile out, "Roxy, Ellie, Patricia and Toni can you stay behind please I want to talk to you four.

Everyone left to do the nets as coach, came in front of us as we sat on the benches laid out, "right laddies so your four are my top choices for captains, so today you guys a going to have to show me how you can perform with a team, you will be in pairs so it's easier for me to pick who would work better together, you can pick who you want to be paired with, so get out there and lets pick teams..." she said smiling, I can't believe it I could be captain or Ellie could be captain, I put my head in my hands as I walked out, Ellie grabbed my shoulder, "bro we are going to be captains..." we started jumping around in a circle as coach came out smiling, we carried on walking like nothing just happened when we saw everyone setting the pitch up.

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