Chapter 167 - A Good Guy? Or a Stalker?

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After Yue Rui knew about the orientation program she asked them about the location of the party.

"It's at our cafeteria. They rented the whole cafeteria for this." Yang Zi informed them about that.

After a pause Yang Zi added, "But I suggest that we should come a bit early."


"Because if we come early we would get to interact with our seniors so that they will help us in future needs. Like giving us their notes, previous questions, etc."

"You have a point, Yang Zi." Yue Rui nodded.

So they decided to come at least half an hour early for the party and left for their home.


Yue Rui wore an off white colored dress. She tied half of her hair and let the rest of her hair loose which almost touch her waist. She put her favourite chapstick on her small rosy lip and mascara on her lashes.

After she was satisfied with her look she left for the party.

Yue Rui arrived at the cafeteria at around 5.30. She was quite nervous. It was her first time to interact with new people all by herself. Her heart was pounding due to nervousness.

The seniors were already there and were busy with decoration and food management. Yue Rui was the first to come among freshers. She didn't know what to do. She didn't even know if she should go and start to talk with them. Finally, she decided to wait for her friends and silently came out of the cafeteria.

But she was already noticed by one of the seniors.

Yue Rui was waiting outside the cafeteria and suddenly someone called her from her behind.

"You must be our freshers, right?" He said.

Yue Rui got startled. But she composed herself and replied politely, "Yes."

"Hi, I am Bo Hai. I am in 3rd year."

"Oh...Hello, My name is Mai Yue Rui. Nice to meet you senior."

"Are you waiting for your friends?" He asked.


"It's not good to let a girl stay alone. Let me accompany you." Bo Hai decided on his own.

"No, it's alright, senior. My friends are on their way. They will come at any moment."

But the person still insisted to stay with her. Yue Rui had to unwillingly stay with this person.

This kind of situation was new to Yue Rui. She didn't know how to cope with the situation. So she decided to stay quiet and wait for her friends. She eas praying in her heart for her friends to come as early as possible.

"So Mai Yue Rui, which dorm are you in? Or are you living elsewhere?" Bo Hai asked.

'What should I say? I don't want to tell him any details." Yue Rui thought.

"Umm... I have applied for a dorm. Till then I am living with my aunt." She cleverly replied.


"Your friends surr are taking the time." He said.

Yue Rui only laughed awkwardly in this situation.

"Hey, how long are you gonna have wait for them? Come with me and help us with the arrangement." Saying this Bo Hai didn't even asked for her, he grabbed her hand and pulled her inside.


Yue Rui was introduced to other seniors by Bo Hai.

"Guys, this is Mai Yue Rui, our fresher." He said.

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