Chapter 225 - Chasing Love in A Different Way

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After their office, it was time for their treat.

Since they had got this golden opportunity, Su and Kai will make sure to empty Mai Yue Rui's wallet today.

At first they decided to go shopping and buy some clothes.

Kai took a pair of jackets and denim, Su got a floral dress.

Mai Yue Rui didn't want to buy anything. At least by this she can save some money. That was her thoughts.

But her two brat friends didn't let that happen.

They made her buy a bright colored dress which is totally opposite of her fashion.

She wore a white top with a skirt with sunflower design.

They also made her buy a matching bag and a yellow scarf to wear on her neck.

Su and Kai was not finished yet. They nagged her all the way to the shopping mall and finally suceeded to take off her glasses.

'There's nothing to get wrong, right? Maybe I can take these glasses off for some time.' That's what Mai Yue Rui thought when she takes them off.

After they got their clothes changed they went to leave their previous clothes on Mai Yue Rui's car in the garage. Then they went to have some light snack while they were waiting outside the movie theater.

 "Guys, I need to go to the washroom."Mai Yue Rui had drank too much cola.

"You can go.It still has some time for the movie."


After Mai Yue Rui finished she prepared to leave for the movie but she did mot expect to see someone she knew outside the washroom.

She saw Han Yefang leaning on the railing and watching the mall.

When he realized she has come out, he turned towards her.

"Oh I was right. It was indeed you." He said with a smile on his face.

"What are you doing here?" Mai Yue Rui asked. He was the last person she thought to meet here.

"I came to buy something for me. Then I thought I saw you here and subconsciously I followed you and now I see it was really you."

After that he added, "I see you are not wearing your glasses. You look pretty."

Mai Yue Rui didn't know how to react.

in the end, she just decided to say, "My friends are waiting for me, goodbye."

"Umm." Han Yefang tried to say something making Mai Yue Rui stop.

"Then he continued hesistantly, "Can I join too?"

"I think all tickets are sold out and we don't have extra tickets."

"Oh!!! Do you mind if wait for you? I can drop you home."Han Yefang still tried to persuade her.

"Umm...look Han Yefang, please stop it."Mai Yue Rui didn't wanted to give him any false signal.

"Stop what?"

"Whatever you are doing. I am already married to Kong Xian Wang. There's no return from there. I have already moved on. You too try to move on, okay? Please try to understand." Mai Yue Rui tried to explain as gently as she could.

If things can be solved calmly, then why should she create a scene?

"That thing was alie, right? He said that to avoid any scandal,right?" He didn't want to believe her.

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