Chapter 81-90

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Chapter 81.  Treating with a new dress

Yue Rui came to realize that they are in front of a dress shop, not in a restaurant.

"Guys...why are we here?" She asked.

"Well we are here to dress us up." Su said casually.

" are gonna buy dresses. Then I'll helo you pick the best one." Yue Rui replied enthusiastically.

"Not only us but you are also buying with us, Little Cat." Now Kai replied.

"Me? Why me? I came in a good form today." Only once did Yue Rui came all dress up and now she is bragging about it.

"Yeah right. But you are not ready for the place we are going to." Su ignored her and dragged her inside the shop.

"Choose a dress for yourself, Little Cat." Kai said.

Yue Rui walked over the row of dresses and stopped in front of a denim jumpsuit.

She pointed at the dress and said, "Let's try this." She was grinning from ear to ear.

But the two of them went straight to her and dragged her away from the dress. All Yue Rui could do is to raise her hands and bid the dress goodbye.

"Okay we can't let you choose your dress. We have to dress you up." Both Su and Kai agreed.

Su and Kai picked up a series of dresses, gave them to Yue Rui and pushed her towards the dressing room. Yue Rui tried every single dress unwillingly.

After trying 4-5 dresses Yue Rui became exhausted.

"That's it. I will wear whatever dress I saw now and you can't say no to it. If you have any objection then I will not buy any dress." Yue Rui threatened them and returned to the dressing room while lifting the hem of the gown she was wearing.

After 5 minutes Yue Rui came out of the dressing room wearing a red and white combination of floral high-low dress. In the front the length of the dress is up to her knee while the back of the dress reached her toes. She also wore a silver coloured thin belt around her waist and did her same old messy bun. She was looking like a cute doll.

Both Su and Kai jaw dropped seeing her.

"Yue Rui, this is it. This is the look I was looking for." Su exclaimed.

"Is it good?" Yue Rui pouted.

"Just good? It's perfect. Little Cat, will you marry me?" Su plucked out the flower hairpin from her hair and gave it to Yue Rui.

"Yeah please marry her! Then you will be the first lesbian couple of our company." Kai started to dream about it. But all his dream shattered because of the loud 'NO' shout of the two ladies.

After Yue Rui dress selection, Su and Kai also picked up their outfit.

Su wore a pink coloured knee length dress and Kai wore a white coloured t-shirt with a blue denim jeans.

After the three got their outfits they also each bought a pair of shoes. It's like treating themselves with new clothes.

After their shopping, the girls needed to use the washroom so they left Kai outside and went to finish their personal thing.

When Yue Rui left the toilet and went to the basin to wash her hands, Su was touching up her makeup. Suddenly she turned towards Yue Rui and asked her.

"Yue Rui my dear, there's a little change I would like you to have."

"What?" Yue Rui asked.

"Please let go off your glasses for a while?" Su requested.

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