Chapter 14 (Part 1): Delicious Varieties

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Andrea's POV:
"Last, we dust the top with powdered sugar..." Trey said as he tapped his finger repeatedly against the colander and dashed the tarts with the sweet sugar while I did the same on my side. Once the last of the tarts were sprinkled, I said, "All done!" "Finished!!" Ace and Grim exclaimed in joy. "Finished..." Deuce said with much less enthusiasm compared to the others. Ace raised an eyebrow at him and asked me, "Did something happen while you were out shopping?" "Trust me, you do not wanna know. Just leave him alone." I said amusingly with my arms crossed. "For 16 years I believed that..." Deuce dishearteningly said as he slumped down on the table. I walked over to him and gently patted his head, softly comforting him. Ace almost fell to the floor and held himself as he buried his head in his arms against the table, letting out an exhausted groan. "Who knew that making desserts would take this long? I'm so tired..." Ace said before turning to me, "I respect you for this, Andie."

"Welcome to the world of baking, dude." I said, "Good work~ Is the tart finished? The decorations are super cute!" I turn to see Cater coming into the kitchen and smiling brightly at us. He took out his phone and held it towards the tarts. "It's totally magicamegramable! Let me take a pic!" He said and he snapped a pic. "Ah! What'd you come here for?!" Ace shouted, "I came to check on my cute underclassmen, working so hard. Ahaha, you look beat!" Cater said with a smile and a laugh. "Bullshit. He's only here to taste the tart." I thought, seeing through his motivation. "Things you aren't to tire you out quick. So, when you're tired, you need to eat something sweet." Trey says, holding his magic pen and using his magic to cut the tart into five slices, putting them on the plates. "Go ahead and try the mont blanc we made. "Yaay!" Everyone, including Cater, cheered. "Cater-senpai, you did some here just in time to eat the tart!" Ace accused. Cater didn't seem to deny anything as he held up his smile proudly and waved that comment away.

"Now, now. You can just think of me as a taste-tester." "Knew it." I thought as the others took a tart. Grim was practically drooling from how good it looked. "Waaahaaa... It smells so deliciously sweet! The chestnuts on top are glossy while the cream underneath is so fluffy! Let's eat!" Grim exclaimed as he grabbed his piece and took a big bite out of the tart as Ace and the others do the same. I cut a piece with my fork and took a bite. The tart was lightly sweet and creamy, with a crunch of the crust, tasting the almonds, mixing well with the glossed chestnuts. "Holy crap!" Ace nearly shouted, "So good!" Cater said, "Amazing, it's like what you get in stores." "It's not overly sweet, but stillhas richness to it! It's like a garden of chestnuts in my mouth!" Grim said as he gobbles up his tart. "Is that a compliment?" Trey asked, "Mmmm~ This is really good!" I said, "I would totally accept this apology tart without a second thought. This is amazing, Trey!" He laughed, "Thanks." "Oh yeah. Hey Trey, do the thing."

(A/N: Am I the only one who just realized The Legend of Korra reference in this translation I found on YouTube, or is it just me?)

"The thing? ...Aah, that." Trey said with what it looks like a knowing smirk. Ace, Deuce, Grim and I looked over at them in confusion and wondered what the hell they were talking about. We looked at each other then back at them. "That?" Ace asked. "The thing? What thing?" I asked, "What are your favorite foods?" Trey suddenly asked, "Mine's cherry pie and hamburgers." Ace said, "My number one is canned tuna. And cheese omurice, and grilled meat and pudding~" Grim said and before he continued to list off the food he likes to eat, Deuce cuts him off. "If I have to pick, omurice, I guess." "Mine would be Chocolate ice cream." I said, "And mine is grilled lamb with diablo sauce." Cater said, "Alright, here we go..." Trey took out his magic pen again and points at our tarts, "Doodle suit!" A burst of magic flew out and hit the tarts, "...? This is?" Deuce started to ask. "Now take another bite of the mont blanc." Trey requested. I look at him with confusion before taking another bite of my tart. As I began to chew, my eyes widened in complete surprise, "Hm? Hmmmmm?! This is... mont blanc but it tastes like cherry pie!" Ace exclaimed.

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