Chapter 14 (Part 2): Andie's First Sleepover

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3rd Person's POV:
As Ace went to the kitchen to get some water, Grim plops on the couch, making the floor dustier, much to her annoyance. Andie took out her magic pen from her school bag and look at the broom and dustpan. "Hmmm, I wonder..." she points her magic pen at the broom and dustpan, a burst of magic flew out and hit them. To her surprise, the broom and dustpan sprung up to life and the broom began to sweep the floor with the dustpan following it to collect the dust the broom sweep into it.

She smiled at this, "Cool! This can make cleaning so much easier!" Andie said excitedly, she then points her magic pen at the chairs, the table and the couch with Grim on it and they floated up. Grim sat up and yelped when he realized the couch, he's on is floating, "What the hell?!" "Relax Grim, the broom is only sweeping." Andie said as the broom sweep under the chairs, table and couch. Once it got all the dust and swept it in the dustpan, the chairs, table and couch gently floated back down with the rocking chair flipped right side up again.

The dustpan, filled with all the trash, floated away carefully so it doesn't spill the trash, then pours the trash into the trashcan and went back it the broom. "Thanks for the help." She said to the broom and dustpan before they turn back to normal. Andie pointed her magic pen and the old books that were scattered on the floor went back to where they were, and the picture frames went back on the wall. "Looks like you're getting the hang of your magic." Grim said, "Yeah, but I'm still learning though." She said as she flip the table right side up. Andie then went upstairs to her room, took off her makeup and quickly changed into her night gown. Andie wrapped her whole body with her robe and tied it up so the guys won't blush and get embarrassed. Andie then grabbed her Loona plushie,

 Andie then grabbed her Loona plushie,

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

and walked downstairs. As she puts her plushie on the table, "Gaaaaaaahh!" Andie jumped when she hears Ace screaming from the kitchen. "Ace?" Grim jumped off the couch and they ran into the kitchen. Once they made it to the doorway, they saw Ace, who was sitting on the floor, staring wide eyed at the three floating ghosts. "My~My~ Mr. Tart Thief came back again~" "So the apology didn't go so well. Well, we don't mind having more visitors." "The more there are, the more pranks we can pull. Hehehehe!"

"Wha... What the hell?! There are actual ghosts here?!" Ace yells before turning to Andie and Grim. "Oh yeah, we forgot to tell ya that. Heh, my bad." Andie said sheepishly as she rubbed the back of her head with apologetic smile. "Well, you should have told me! They suddenly came up from the floor!" Ace glares, Grim couldn't hold back his laughter, "Nyaha! Ace got scared by the ghosts!" "Shut it, furball! I was almost attack by ghosts!" Ace yelled, "Calm down, will ya? Victor, Hugo and Laverne aren't gonna hurt ya." Andie said with her arms crossed, "Who?" "She means us." Laverne said, "Andie gave us new names since we gave up our old ones a long time ago." Victor explained, "And our new names grew on us." Hugo said. "Don't take it personally. This is how we greet new residents now. Nice to meetcha~ Kehkehkeh!" Laverne laughed. Ace had a dumbfounded look on his face, but his anger subsided. "I-I see." He glanced away. As Victor, Hugo and Laverne disappeared up through the ceiling, a knock was heard from the front door. Andie went to answer it and was surprised to see a stack of futons and pillows.

Andrea's Twisted Wonderland Adventure: Book 1حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن