Chapter 10: Reining Beast

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(A/N: Hey guys, sorry I haven't been able to update this story in a while, I was taking a break from writing, and I got my covid-19 vaccine shots and let me tell ya, the side effects for both shots are not fun -_-

But it was all worth it. Now that I'm feeling better, I can work on the chapters again. Also, if you guys want to send me fanart of my oc or my oc with other characters, please send them at my Tumblr account, @91062854-ka, the link is on my profile, but here's the link

Enjoy the chapter!)

3rd Person's POV:
Once lunch and classes are over, Ace, Deuce, Grim and Andie all walked around the school and head into the forest behind the campus. It took a few minutes, but they found the chestnut trees. "Waaaah! There's so many chestnuts all over the place! It's a forest of all you can eat mont blanc... Guugh." Grim chuckles as he hurried over to the tree that's closest to them and climbed up onto the branch, grinning at the nuts. "Let's get picking..." "Grim, wait! Those nuts might have-" Andie tried to warn him, but it was too late... "Oww! Ow!" Grim cried in pain, he tried to pick out the chestnuts, but is unaware they have thorns as his paw is now painfully stuck to one of them. "... thorns..." "Ffgna! The thorns pricked my paw!" Grim shouted as he shook the chestnut off. "Ugh, that's what I've been trying to warn you." Andie groans in annoyance, "We can't pick them up with our bare hands. It'll also be good to get a basket or something to put them all in." Deuce said, "The botanical garden probably has whatever we need inside." Ace said, motioning the greenhouse that's not too far from where they are.

"Let's go take a look." Deuce said as Grim climbed down, rested on Andie's shoulder and they headed towards the garden. When they arrived inside, they saw how enormous the garden is and the perfect temperature for the plants. There's even a small river flowing throughout the garden with several bridges. The sun shining down the whole garden with a soft golden glow, there are different kinds of trees and beautiful colorful flowers the grew around or hanging off of trees in hanging flowerpots. It's so peaceful and quiet you can easily fall asleep inside if you want to.

 It's so peaceful and quiet you can easily fall asleep inside if you want to

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Andie is awestruck by the garden's beauty. "This place is so beautiful." Andie said while staring at the beautiful plants. "Wow, it's bigger in here than I thought." Ace said, taking in the view. "There should be a caretaker of this place. We should split up and find them." Deuce suggested, "I'll go right." Ace said, "And I'll head left. Andie-san, you and Grim can go straight to the back." Deuce said, "Got it." Andie said with nod. The group split up to find the gloves and buckets to collect the chestnuts from the forest. Even though they have a job to do, it didn't hurt admire the scenery. "Wow. These plants are beautiful. I never seen these types of flowers before." Andie said, admiring the flowers. "Hey Andie, look at this!" Andie look up to see Grim pointing at a tree with sweet looking fruit, practically drooling. "There's a bunch of fruit! They smell so good!" "If you even think about swiping the fruit, I can make your punishment into two weeks of no tuna." Andie warns, causing Grim to back away from the tree.

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