Now more than ever, Lucian was determined to make sure that didn’t happen. It wasn’t just his wife and his brother he needed to protect. It was their son.

            “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so deep in thought.”

            Lucian looked up into the serene blue eyes of Christian Church. Time had done little to age his face, but there was something different about him. Like Lucian, he seemed to be carrying some sort of burden.

            “Are you going to sit down or stand over me all day?” Lucian demanded.

            When Christian slid into the opposite side of the picnic table, Lucian almost laughed out loud at his submissiveness.

            “I’d say it’s good to see you again, but we both know I’d be lying,” Christian said, and this time Lucian did laugh. “I assume you’re concerned that my transgression is going to compromise the deal we made all those years ago.”

            Lucian smirked. “Your transgression? That’s a very convenient euphemism.”

            “Actually, it’s not convenient at all.”

            “Least of all for my family whom you agreed to protect before you let your selfish desires entice you to fuck Wendy Cross of all people.”

            “That’s my wife you’re talking about.”

            “I realize that, but to be honest I’m surprised you married her.”

            “No, you’re not. You knew I’d have to do something to buy her silence.”

            Lucian’s lips curved into another wry smile. Buying her silence sounded so ominous. Surely, that couldn’t have escaped Christian’s observation.

            “You don’t have anything to worry about,” Christian said. “This isn’t going to change the deal.”

            Lucian snorted. “Do you really think I’m that stupid? You disobeyed your father, not once but twice. First by agreeing to protect my family and again when you took Wendy Cross into your bed. Or is that another immaculate conception?”

            Christian grimaced. “No, it’s not and it’s not going to change the terms of our deal.”

            “How can you be so sure?”

            “My father died on the cross to save mankind from its sins and ensure them a place in Heaven. All those willing simply have to ask and their sins are forgiven.”

            “So you asked and Daddy forgave, no harm, no foul?”

            “In a nutshell, yes.”

            “I forgot how many loopholes you guys have,” Lucian said as he shook his head. “You can pretty much do whatever evil shit you want and wash it away with forgiveness.”

            “Unlike you whose evil condemns him to burn in Hell,” Christian said.

            Lucian grinned. “Condemned is such a subjective word. Not to mention you and I both know it couldn’t be further from the truth in my case.”

            Christian smiled back at him. “Then why are you so worried about losing the protection I promised you all those years ago?”

The Unholy Trinity IV- The Story ContinuesWhere stories live. Discover now