Chapter Twenty-three

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            “I can’t believe you actually found him,” Wyatt said.

            Fallon smiled as she gazed down at her son nestled safely in her arms. Only Simeon’s absence belied the happy picture they painted gathered in his favorite sitting room. At the moment, Fallon didn’t care to dwell on Simeon’s absence. Her interests were only in her son who was finally home where he belonged.

            “Me either,” Angelica agreed. “I was there and I don’t even know how we pulled it off.”

            “Griffin was the one who figured out how to save him,” Seth spoke up.

Wyatt looked over at Griffin. “How’d you do that?”

            Griffin’s gaze travelled in Seth’s direction. Though he hadn’t been sure it would work, Griffin was desperate enough to try anything which is what led him to the decision to release Seth’s soul. By returning his soul to their most faithful servant, it was once again Seth’s and could be used to bargain with one of Simeon’s dealers.

 Considering it meant Seth was free to do with it what he chose, some might have thought it was a gamble to return his soul to him, but Griffin knew better. So did Fallon. No matter what others may have thought, Seth valued his place among them and would have sacrificed anything to secure it. When the time came, there wasn’t a question. He sold his soul to Simeon in exchange for being able to find Fallon and Marshall and return them safely to Lucian and Griffin.

             “So, how’d you do it?” Wyatt prompted.

Griffin shrugged. “I took a lucky guess that we could get him back if someone sold their soul to Sim in exchange for being the one to find Fallon and Marshall.”

            Wyatt shook his head. “That’s genius. Too bad you didn’t figure it out before.”

            “The important thing is that we figured it out and Fallon and Marshall are home,” Lucian countered.

            “Who took the baby anyway?” Wyatt asked.

            Before anyone could answer the question Simeon strode into the sitting room. All eyes were on him as he crossed the room to place a kiss on Marshall’s forehead before taking a seat in his customary chair.

            “Nice of you to join us,” Lucian sneered while Griffin sighed.

            Simeon took Lucian’s attitude in stride. “My apologies for not joining you earlier, but I was following up on the lead Fallon gave me with regard to the woman holding her captive.”

            Fallon looked up. “Did you find Mag?”

            Wyatt frowned. “Who’s Mag?”

            “That’s what I’d like to know,” Lucian answered. “Along with where she is because I’m going to make it my personal mission to make sure that bitch suffers a long, miserable eternity in Hell.”

            “I think Mag’s fate should be left up to Fallon, considering Mag is actually a name her mother used to hide her identity,” Simeon replied.

            While murmurs of shock swept through the room, Fallon wasn’t as surprised by the information as the others were. From the moment she’d left her mother in favor of taking up permanent residence with the twins, her mother had done every desperate thing she could think of to get Fallon to leave them.

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