Chapter Sixteen : Aid Accepted

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Things were only getting worse and worse for Fearian, King Salvador and the others. The Dark man was on the loose, and the men didn't know his destination, but Fearian did, and he's desperately trying to break free from their grip.

"Let me go! Let me go my boy is in danger please please!" Fearian was letting out his loud sobs.

"Fearian just calm down and tell us who's going to hurt Bryan!?" Darvin tightened his fingers around Fearian's forearm as he held him down.

"That damn Meanian! He's after my boy now! I gotta go!"

"Listen Grevalon will you sit and rest for once!? We'll get to him!" Red's yell had stopped his sobs. Letting him hesitate for a quick moment.

"Then go quickly if you can!" Fearian accepted their aid in defeat; his heart was beginning to lose hope.

Salvador darted his head at Darvin. "Darvin, do you know where the boy is?"

"When Fearian escaped we decided to bring the boys to Kyvan's place since he's a close friend of ours," he answered quickly.

"I can take him there--"

"It's better if you stay with Fearian, you're also hurt." Salvador walked away from Fearian's bed as he opened his hands, summoning the silvery orbs to materialise out of thin air and hover over his palms.

Salvador stood next to Red and lifted his palms upwards as if he pulled something out of the ground. Apparently, that's where a thin silver disk came into existence beneath the men's feet, and it quickly swallowed them whole. 

Disappearing in the process. 

Leaving the injured brothers alone in the room.


Kyvan was pacing back and forth, moving and dragging the heavy furniture to conceal the glass windows. The spread of the word was fast in every circumstance; it was also common for the men to receive warnings or hear them with a certain national phrase being shouted in the streets. With that, the men immediately prepare for what is about to come even if it was a minor threat.

"Why are you covering the windows?" Gholt was wrapped in a blanket, and huddled beneath his arm was the fluffy purple Bryan, fully awake.

"Yeah... Why?" Bryan repeated curiously as his large eyes followed Kyvan's movements.

Kyvan kept working without looking at the children.

"To protect you from harm."


Kyvan sighed. "It means something bad that is going to hurt you, so I'm protecting you."

"The-Then can you make the sa-same to Daddy?" His eyes shimmered.

"Oh Bryan, I can't," Kyvan finally looked at the boy. "your dad is... Well, doing fine, you know he's a fighter, right?" He approached them calmly. "Whatever's going to happen, your dad will fight it off." He smiled as he patted his back gently. 

"Then what about the other people? Are they going to be okay?" Gholt asked next.

"The other children are hiding too while the grown-ups fight and protect," he reassured. "as long as we stay here, we'll be safe. King Salvador will figure out how to stop this evil," he added. 

"I hope so." Gholt hugged Bryan tighter. 

They sat in silence for a few moments as they heard the distant muffled voices outside, sending out orders or reporting in to others about their progress. That is until the outside voices have hushed again. Kyvan thought that maybe the men had gone searching again, leaving his house alone.

Immediately his door was knocked, or better say banged. Startling them.

Who could be knocking at this time? The desperate banging baffled him.

"Who's there?" Kyvan called, protecting the boys in his embrace.

"Kyvan? It's me, Fearian!" His voice was muffled, yet it was clearly filled with concern. 

"Fearian? What are you doing here? Where's Darvin?" Kyvan called again, slowly and carefully leaving the children and grabbing one of the nearest weapons. 

"There's no time to explain! I need to check on my son if he's safe please!" The voice kept banging.

"But he is safe with me--"

"That Dark Meanian is after him right now! We need to move him!" The banging was getting stronger. "Come on Kyvan hurry up!"

Kyvan hesitated by glancing at Bryan then at the door with uncertainty and worry. That Dark Meanian is not normal...

"Daddy!" Bryan tried to wiggle free from Gholt, but he held him tight.

"Alright, I'm coming." Kyvan took few slow strides until he reached the door that was slightly barricaded with a plank as a lock, his stomach just began to tie into a knot as he arrived, followed by the sickening dread.

His hand tightened around the weapon while his other hand slowly reached for the plank and lifted it, and just as he pulled the door open. A dark hand lunged at Kyvan's throat, which then the whole figure attacked. Causing both of them to fall and lie on the floor.

The boys screamed at the sight of a dangerous figure breaking in and violently trying an attempt to strangle Kyvan, but he as well struggled to fight back. 

"Oh, you shouldn't have been gullible when you heard your friend's voice in a dangerous time." The man's lips drew into a dark sneer as his fingers tightened around his neck, Kyvan was desperately trying to catch a gasp.

"You... Won't get... Away with... This!" Kyvan was grabbing his wrists, digging his nails into his flesh. 

"Heh, pinching won't affect me." He laughed as he squeezed harder.

Before Kyvan's windpipes could break, a small voice grunted as a long wooden piece was smashed into the man's back, stopping his attempt of murder and darting his head to the boy who caused it. Sheer anger was filling his ruby eyes.

"You think you can beat me you little fucking brat!?" His voice was no longer calm nor triumphant. 

Gholt controlled his shivering and wobbling knees and spat his tongue at the man, spraying his saliva at him. The man only growled at his response as he stood and towered over him. Letting Kyvan finally gasp and cough.

Instead of fear and sadness, Gholt's face wrinkled into childish anger.

"Well?! What are you gonna do?! Fight me?! Well, do it now!" Just as he took a step closer to him, Gholt grunted again as he rose his foot to kick the man's crouch. 

"AAHH." He shoved his hands between his thighs as he screamed and moaned in pain, slowly slumping into the floor.

"That's for ruining my Spawn Day!" Gholt stomped his foot and stuck his tongue at him again.

"You little shi--"

Gholt didn't hesitate but raised the piece again and smashed it against the man's head, and he didn't respond but collapsed to the floor unconscious. 

Before Gholt or Kyvan could say a word, a silver figure came running into the house through the open door with a silver blade in hand. 

"Stop right there you--" Salvador stopped in his tracks when he noticed the scene in front of him, his expression turned into confusion as he looked from Gholt and his wooden piece, to the unconscious body of the Dark Meanian, and finally looked at the gasping Kyvan. 

"Is the purple kid okay in there?!" A deep voice called from outside, and what responded to him was Bryan's whining and loud crying.  

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