Chapter Twenty-Three : Another Truth Revealed

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Silence had draped over the room as the sense of danger and unrest grew stronger in the air, everyone was gathered in one room from king Salvador to the silent children that sat there, witnessing what is about to come from this discussion.

When Red and Onel first arrived at the Palace, they were met by King Salvador, who seemed to be slightly tired and injured from whatever he just went through.

Then later, Fearian, Darvin and Kyvan arrived with their caught Dark Meanians. With that, King Salvador invited them all to a room where they could finally talk about their plans, and maybe rest a bit from the evil mess.

As for Onel, he felt as if he didn't do enough with his truth about his bitter past. Telling his sons wasn't enough, and remembering his encounter with Father Osyen, he finally gathered his courage and spilled everything to Salvador. From his childhood past to the recent events with Stariaz's death.

King Salvador stood there, not pulling his glare away from Onel, who stared at his feet to avoid the king's flaming golden eyes after what he heard.

"You said you were an orphan, Onel," Salvador's voice was cold. "you said you had no family, no friends, so that was all a lie?"

Onel nodded without looking up, lips quivering and tears gathering. 

Salvador hesitated for a moment. 

He snatched a vase from the table and tossed it at the wall with a scream. Everyone jumped out of the way from the shattering glass in surprise. Red only flinched in his place from the sudden movement. 

"This is why you have to inform me the moment you know about a Dark Meanian in any way! Even if it was your own damn family!" Salvador took another object and shattered it.

"Now look at what you caused! All that murder and chaos was done by your fucking father!" He threw another object to the floor with a louder yell. "What's more frustrating is that he's not a fucking ordinary Meanian but rather possessed by his dead fucking king!"

Onel hugged the children tight from his rage as he began to sob and shake. Finally, king Salvador stopped his anger and gasped some deep breaths, a few of his silver strands fell and hung lazily from his bang.

"Why?" Salvador finally calmed. "Why did you lie to me about your family? And why didn't you tell me in the first place?"

Onel whimpered. "Because I-I was scared... My father and brothers have threatened me that if I told you about them... I would never see the daylight again, and even if you caught them... I would never live at peace for they said their spirits will haunt me for eternity." 

Salvador ran his shaking fingers through his hair, his eyes wandering around the mess he caused in the room. 

"Onel... You should've told me... You should've told me the moment you saw me, that way we could've handled it and had it under control! Now... " Salvador looked away for a brief moment of silence.

"So what now? What happened to Blarence?" Fearian asked. 

Salvador slowly sat on a chair. "Blarence went out of control, to the point I tried hard to hold him down."

"H-How?" Onel rose his head and finally met the king's eyes.

"We got some answers to what he was doing, not a lot of information though," Salvador answered. 

"Just as he got to part where he was about to tell us what the hell was going on with him, he went mad, and that's where those twins appeared and came after you. But I don't know what happened with king Salvador after that." Red gave his side of the story.

"Blarence turned out to be a victim, not a threat," Salvador said.

"A victim? A-A victim?! How can a Dark Meanian be a victim?!" Onel complained. 

"What about his plans?! He kept telling me about them and how he enjoyed beating the shit out of my dad! How exactly is he a victim?!" Fearian agreed.

"I already yelled about it, he is possessed by his dead leader, that's what caused him to commit evil. Yet that's another thing we haven't learned about, if he is possessed by a spirit, then he would've committed one goal only. But no, Blarence had two," Salvador explained as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Not only that, Blarence's personality seemed to mix with that of the spirit that possesses him. That's why sometimes he either wants to torture Onel Grevalon or seeks battle with king Salvador, which also caused some complicated shit in his mind," Red added and folded his arms.

"No, that wasn't his primary goal, first he told me that he came to retrieve me, then he explained about how he would torture my father," Fearian corrected.

"So maybe that became three goals?" Darvin joined the talk with a guess.

"Why would you say three?" Red said.

"You already mentioned it, one Blarence wanted to seek revenge on my dad, or two retrieve my brother, or three seek battle with king Salvador?" Darvin looked at his king. "Is that true?"

Salvador sighed. "Yes, that was true, I had a battle with Blarence, but Blarence wasn't the one who wanted to duel," he said. "it was the spirit inside of him, and that's where I knew that Blarence is a victim."

"You didn't mention that Blarence has or had blue eyes instead of red," Red reminded him.

"And that's another reason why he's innocent, it turned out that he wasn't a criminal despite him being a Dark Meanian, so again he was possessed and that spirit forced this man against his will to commit these crimes," Salvador said.

"Oh, about the spirit," Red said as he squinted his eyes at the king. "I can remember clearly the moment you told me to go and check on the Grevalons when the twins appeared, you said 'Blarence is King Black's puppet',"

Salvador brows slightly narrowed in concern. 

"That spirit kept talking about you executing 'his men', and he kept calling you 'silver bug'. I can assume that you know who's possessing Blarence?" Red's dark and wide eyebrows lowered over his eyes.

Everyone looked from Red and moved their gaze to king Salvador, all wondering the same thing.

"Yeah, I did hear Blarence calling you silver bug in a deep voice, that was when you came to the Stonalie Vally. You were scared," Darvin said.

Salvador looked left and right, sweat forming and seeping down through his fur.

"So, you do know something is up but you don't wanna tell us, why?" Red said.

Salvador sat there as his stomach hardened and sunk down to the depths, his mind battling on whether to tell them the truth or not. Onel kept staring at his king, searching for the answers himself. That's where he may know the answer.

"Wait... Is that spirit... Your father?" Onel guessed in a sympathetic way.

"That spirit who took over your father," Salvador began, his voice turned smooth yet sad. "was supposed to be my only family, but instead became my foul enemy who denied his defeat in our battle." 

Then added with tears shimmering in his golden eyes. "That man was the King of the Dark Meanians, my heartless uncle."     

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