Chapter 2 - Hey, Pete!

Start from the beginning

"Loan of how much? Seems a little over-the-top to kill someone over a couple of quid!" Pete says, flicking through more paperwork.

"750,000" I reply in shock as I see the number on the paper.

"Who has that money to loan out? Our client must be loaded! What's our money like?" Pete asks, still flicking through papers. He's oblivious to the fact I always organise my paperwork and am holding all the important details in my hands.

"TBC on how well we do." It was strange to read that. Most clients gave us a well rounded number before we started so we knew how bad this job would be. For example, a simple shoot and run would cost less than a detailed killing of a family made to look like a burglary.

"To be confirmed? Since when did we accept to be confirmed?" Pete says flustered.

"I dunno... Maybe we should call Des?" I question.

"You have his number?" Pete looks shocked. You see, Des never handed a number out, but seeing as I was the best of the 10 he hired, I deserved it, just in case I got a case too difficult for one person... It was basically my reward for being good at killing people... I dial the number. Des isn't stupid though, he has one of those devices in the phone that distorts the voice, so we have no idea what he looks or sounds like...

"Des? It's Alyssa. The case you've put me and Pete on... It says to be confirmed in the pay? We don't normally accept cases like this, especially after case PA:215 when Will did the job and wasn't paid at all, making us have to tie off the loose end of the client too... Right?" There was a silence on the phone. Something didn't feel right about this one.

"What case?" A distorted voice replies. I hear frantic tapping. "I've not given you a case yet! You'd only just finished with Mrs Carmichael!" I froze. We'd been set up. I turn to speak to Pete, but bullets suddenly fly through the room. I grab Pete's chair and tip us both back onto the floor. The noise is immense, at least 2 machine guns are firing at us right now... I crawl on the floor towards my bag on the bed and pull out my silenced rifle. This trusty bag has saved my life many times. I grab a handgun and chuck it at Pete. I look out from my red dot sight and see a group of 5 people. Only two were firing, the others were waiting, guns pointed to the door and window. They looked like snipers. Professionals.

"Pete! There's five. Two shooting. Three waiting for the right moment. Keep your head down!" I scream over to him as he loads the handgun. He nods and moves to the side of the window. Leaning out suddenly he begins shooting and hits one of the guys firing at us. His machine gun flings in the air as he smacks back into the car and falls onto the floor. One of the less experienced guys grabs the gun, spraying bullets all over the room.

"Alyssa! Is there another way out?" Pete hollers from across the room, and i immediately run into the back to find somewhere to escape. The bathroom was my only option of escape as it was the only room actually separated from the main part. There is a small window above the toilet, but it seems too easy. I swing the window open and duck down, only to receive a spray of gunfire just above my head. This is a nightmare! I take one deep breath and stand up, firing my rifle straight at the man outside, but he took a shot at the same time. My bullet penetrates his heart and he immediately falls to the floor. His bullet skims along my arm and i let out a scream. I immediately undo the belt of my trousers and make a tourniquet on my arm before running back out and hiding behind the bed.

"Pete! There's a window above the toilet! We gotta go!" I scream, flicking my arms in the direction of the bathroom.

"I'll hold them off, just gimme a minute!" Pete says, trying to act the hero. I run into the bathroom, but not hearing footsteps i poke my head back out to see the whereabouts of Pete. He is still shooting out of whats left of the window.

"Come on!!" I yell impatiently. I turn round just in time to see another guy clambering in the window. Shutting my eyes, i cock the gun, lift it up slightly and pull the trigger. The splatting sound is worse than normal and i feel some blood splatter on my face. I open one eye and see the dead man sprawled across the toilet with a chunk missing out the side of his head. I shudder. I poke my head round the door one more time to see Pete just about to make a run for it. Finally! He runs across to the bathroom, bullets barely missing him.

"Holy shit!" He cries, seeing this man on the toilet, but soon just climbs over him and out of the room where i swiftly follow.

"Keep an eye out, Pete. Two tried getting in here, they must know..." I whisper to him. Getting to the corner of the row of rooms, Pete pokes his head round and sees the 3 remaining guys reloading by their car. Immediately he runs out, shooting like crazy and hits them all.

"Come on, lets take their car!" Pete shouts as he runs towards it. He jumps in and starts the engine, revving it to attract my attention. I begin to walk out towards the car when a guy runs out of reception and shoots the car, aiming straight at Pete. The windscreen gets covered in blood and i hide, hyperventilating. I grab my phone.

"Des? They killed Pete! Oh God... We got most of them, but they just keep coming! I need help! It's-" I'm cut off with a guy grabbing me from behind and putting his hand over my mouth. He's holding a cloth in his hand, something that smells like... Oh shit...

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