29. Let me help you

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Tharn knew Type needs him...but he doesn't want to give Type a wrong hope...Type was sitting on the bed and trying to calm himself down...he felt bad that he told Tharn about his desire....

Type sometimes sleeps in Tharn's room and mostly in the guest room...Tharn made things very clear between them...that it is just for baby's sake and there is nothing between them...

Tharn knock on the door....Type are you up...he opened the door and asked Type can we talk...

Type washed his tears...yes Tharn...

Tharn: I am sorry..I promised you to take care of all your needs during this pregnancy but...

Type: It's okay Tharn I told you I am tired please let me sleep...I will sleep here only...try to understand your baby needs rest...

Type didn't let Tharn complete his sentence...Tharn left the room...

5th Month....

The relation between them is the same...
Type every day trying to control his desire...Tharn sees him crawling sometime in bed...Tharn tried a lot of time to help....but Type refused by saying I am fine...Type mostly sleep in his room...to avoid Tharn...

Tharn: Good Morning Type...good morning baby...Tharn touched Type's belly which is very much visible...Tharn pull-Type shirt to touch his bare belly as he always feels better to touch Type's bare belly...he is moving his fingers to his belly and talking to baby....

Type: Tharn please don't do this now ...I am not in a mood...

Tharn: I am playing with my baby Type...baby is always with you but I hardly get time to spend with my baby....

Type: Type closed his eyes and remained on the couch...Tharn saw something tighten under his pant...he looked to Type...he is still controlling and lying emotionless...

Tharn moves his hand to Type's pant...Type opened his eyes and jerks Tharn's hand...

Tharn: Type I was trying to help you...

Type: I have never asked for this Tharn...

Tharn: I know but I want to...

Type: why? I am not your whore Tharn... whom you can touch whenever you want...

Tharn: how can you say that Type? I never consider you...you are my...

Type: You never considered me your whore and I am your what?

Tharn: what is your problem..you left me...you made me cry...you broke my heart two times.. So now what you want me to forget all coz you are with me..don't forget you planned to leave the country, I was the one who found you...you didn't come to me.. So you are still at fault...

Type: right that's why I am saying I don't believe in one-night stands so don't touch me...this is my problem.. it's not related to your baby so don't bother...

Tharn: Type why are behaving this way...why you are saying all this...

Type: I don't know Tharn but I just don't want to see your face right now...you are doing everything for your baby but this is my body so don't touch me...coz when you touch me I crave for more...you don't know what pregnancy means...pregnant person always want love, care, and support from their partner...the support which you are giving me is of your money...nothing else....don't forget if you are not connected with me then you are not connected with baby also......

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