11. Date

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Saturday Morning Type gets up at 7 am, he took his phone from side table and saw a message from Tharn, he smiles with excitement, he opens his message...

Tharn: Mr. Miami, please be ready by 11 Am, I will come to pick you...and I don't want any excuses today.. You are going to spend this whole day with me and that's final... It's your punishment for ignoring me the whole month... Consider this as our First date see you soon...

Type: Wow our first date... He started jumping on the bed...finally it's a date...aiyaa what should I wear... Type get down from his bed and checked his wardrobe....aah I don't have anything to wear...he rejected almost every outfit...

Finally, after one hour of he got one outfit to wear for this special day..... He gets out of the room and started making breakfast... He prepared him light breakfast...while having breakfast he checked his messages again.. He is smiling ear to ear.... I am going on a date with my boss wao....with full excitement he cleaned his room and wash his clothes.. After all that cleaning he went to take a quick shower...

When again he checked his phone for the time he was shocked that how much time he has wasted it's already 10:30...he got a message from Tharn I am coming in 25 minutes ...it was sent 10 mint before that means he will be here in 15 minutes... Thank god he doesn't know where I live....He put on his white jeans with a black shirt.. He cleaned his face, grabs his wallet and home key...and open his door to go out but he was stunned to look at the person standing outside his door....

Type: Mr. Rangnok how did you find my place??...

Tharn: Mr. Miami don't forget that I am still your boss and I can access all your personal information just in a snap of my finger... Now if you don't mind can I come in, please... Let me at least see where you live...

Type: yes Please, come in... Let me tell you Mr. Rangnok it's not as big as your home... It's my small nest where I live alone.... it's just a one-bedroom apartment... A small kitchen, a cozy hall with a balcony attached... That's it..

Tharn: It's really beautiful Mr. Miami... You maintained it well... Maybe it's just a small apartment but I can feel your efforts in this... Now if you don't mind can we go on our date...

Type: ya sure sir... Type closed the door and go down to Tharn's car...

Tharn: Mr. Miami, can I ask you a favor...

Type: yes sir, please tell me what I can do for you...

Tharn: if you don't mind, can you please drive my car... I don't want to take my driver, as it is our personal time... And I am not comfortable with the driver... You know very well I don't drive...

Type: yes Sir, why not... And I am the one who drives your car in the absence of your driver so no formalities, please...

Tharn: yeah I know but today you are not my secretary Mr.Miami so I have to ask you...Thanks, I will send my driver home... He knocked the glass of his car... Ask his driver to go home as he is not required now... Then he gave keys to Type and open the driver seat for him,.. He saw Type is looking at him... Mr. Miami, I told you today you are not my secretary and we are not on any business trip you are driving this as my partner and doing this as a favor on me.... Please come in and sit...

Type sit in driving seat..and thought... Mr. Rangnok what you said at my home really touched my heart and now you are doing every possible thing to make me realise that how important I am... You are such a good soul... I just feel lucky to have you as my Boss...

Tharn: settled in the passenger seat and asked Type, Mr. Miami can I call you Type... I mean at least when we are not in office... Coz Mr. Miami sounds really professional...

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