Chapter 6

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Onyx's pov

I walk downstairs and head into the kitchen. Jack is there, and I sigh, and grab a soda from the fridge. I walk out, and sit at the table, alone. Jack comes and sits next to me.

"Onyx, I'm sorry." He sighs,  "But I need to tell you something."

"No, I'm not gonna talk to you Jack." I say standing up. I walk over towards the couch, and he grabs my arm.

"Onyx its about Shadow." He says, he looks me in the eyes. Ben really did beat him up. He has a giant bruise on him neck, and on his cheek is a scratch.

"What. Make this quick." I sigh.

"Hes poisoned." Jack starts.

"Yeah, and when did that happen, no, Jack, stop it. I'm getting married to Ben, leave me alone!" I say, getting out of his grip.


"No, leave me alone." I start to walk away, and he pushes me up against the wall, and I yelp. He pins me there, and holds my hands above my head. He puts his knee between my legs, and pushes up, forcefully into me, making it painful if I move. I wince, and try to move.

"Listen." He says calmly, "I didn't know you were pregnant, okay? The stuff I gave you, that is gonna effect Shadow, okay?" He says, looking me in the eye. I am about to talk, but he keeps talking. "Just listen."

"Jack, this is stup-" I stifle a scream as he lifts his knee quickly upwards.

"Listen, or it'll hurt more." He sighs, looking slightly down my hoodie at my cleavage, "Okay, so the stuff I gave you, it will effect him. I'm not sure how, but it is gonna hurt him a little. He might get sick, or he might get really hyper."

"Okay..." I wince a little.

"But he could also show no signs of anything, and if that happens, you need to tell me. Okay? Im serious. That could mean its getting worse."


"But, if he does get sick, weak, or hyper, it'll only last for a week at the maximum. Just tell me whatever happens." He lets go of me, and drops his knee. "Okay?"

"Yes, and thanks, I hope your not lieing." I say softly, and give him a quick kiss, and he smiles.

"I promise."

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