Chapter 7

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Bens pov

I hate shopping, but this was kinda more then embarresing. I have to get Onyx birth controll, and also diapers and some new bottles. Also Sally finially reached the age of the girlness, and asked me to get her some tampons and pads, plus Midol for both of them. So lets go to check out, a dude with a baby on his hip, in Target, with Pills, a small box of condems, a pack of tampons and pads, diapers, bottles and Midol. Yay. Its like Im running a strip club with girls who have babies.

Oh, and then I get a call from Jeff asking where the credit card is, and I tell him I have it. Then he meets me in Target, to get the card, so he can buy Ryan pretty much the same stuff I have to buy. We ended up just paying for it all together. We look like a gang-bang members who voluntered to go shopping.

We get back to the Mansion, and Shadow is as happy as ever to see Onyx and Ryan. He runs over to Onyx, and she picks him up, smiling. I smile, and walk over.

"How was it?" Onyx smirks.

"It seemed like I was running somthing illeagl." I laugh, "SALLY!" I call out, and Sally runs down, blushing, and grabs her stuff from me, and then runs back up stairs.

"Oh, she get to her period?" Onyx frowns.

"Yeah." I nod. "I got you the stuff." I say, "Ill go bring it upstairs."

"Thanks babe."

"You owe me bigtime." I laugh, dropping off the stuff in our room. I walk back down. Ryan is holding Shadow, and he is blabling on loudly. Ryan smiles, and so does Onyx.

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