Chapter 16

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Onyxs pov

At about mid-day, me, Ryan, Ben and Jeff went out to the one place noone cares what you look like; the mall. We walked around for a bit, me and Ryan going inot Hot Topic and FYE. Jeff and Ben went off, probaly to Spencers and Macys or somthing. This guy walked up to me, and held out his hand.

"Hi! Im Daed, your Onyx, right?" He beems a smile. I tilt my head, and dont shake his hand.

"Yeah..." I say wearily. 

"I am a talent scout, and I have been told that you you have exceptional fighting skills, and I want you to do an interview with my boss!" He smiles, "We are filming a movie, and we need a fighting master, and I feel like you'd be perfect!" He hands me a card. 

I take it and look at it. It seems legit. I read the card. Daed Taem, talent scout. Mhmm... Okay... It has some other info about him. I shrug.

"Uhm, Daed, whos your boss?" I ask, this acually seems cool.

"Ah! Great question! His name is Oglaz. Hes German, so am I! But he says hed love to have you in this film!"

"Yeah, Ill call, okay?" I grin.

"Perfect!" He smiles. "Talk to you soon?"

"Definatly." I smile. I run off, smiling, to find Ryan and tell her about this.

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