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CONGRATULATIONS, WE'VE REACHED THE MINI INTERLUDE OF THIS STORY. For long-time Bizarre Town fans, welcome again! It's nice knowing that some of you are here for the rewrite. If you're wondering, yes, we've surpassed 30k words and are making a power move. After all, we still have ten more chapters to go before we finish the book, along with, well, the epilogue!

Gah! Without further adieu, I sincerely hope you enjoy these incorrect quotes.

KOICHI: Hey, Rohan-sensei, someone is coming... someone you don't like.

ROHAN: That could be anyone!

KOICHI: I could strange you, murderer!

KIRA: Unfortunately, you're not tall enough.

KOICHI, using Echoes ACT3: Lucky for me, you just sunk low enough for me to reach!

[NAME] and JOTARO, dying in the background:

HAYATO: [Name]... Do you want to hear a chemistry joke I found?

[NAME]: ...

HAYATO: ...Oh, it's alright. I'll take it as a no, then.

[NAME]: I'm sorry, did you expect... a reaction?


[NAME]: ...

HAYATO, turning his head away to suppress the smile on his face: A nice joke, [Name].

HAYATO, looking at [Name]: Huh. Copper tellurium.

[NAME]: ...Did you say something, Hayato?

HAYATO, immediately looking away: I—I said nothing!

KOICHI: Rohan-sensei has these insanely strong opinions on everything. Go on, ask him something.

[NAME], turning to Rohan: Mr. Rohan, what's the worst multiple of four?

ROHAN: Twelve, you dolt.

[NAME]: Mr. Rohan, do you know what strength is? It's forgiving a person who is giving you insincere apologies.

ROHAN: Not to be dramatic, but I would rather die.

[NAME]: ...

KIRA: You got hands?

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