07 ° Heart Attack.

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THE INFAMOUS KILLER WAS RIGHT THERE—GRABBING THE SHOULDER OF HIS JACKET. To think that he was right there, waiting to kill them all and escape. It was unfortunate they didn't see the characters of his name on the order tag. Yet—turn after turn, they kept running into situations that irritated her to no end. Would his killings end here, or would he live to see another day?

"Good grief," Jotaro remarked as he walked toward the small object. "Who would've thought he'd come to get his suit now?"

It was even more unfortunate that the situation was technically in the mysterious killer's favor. His actions were always calculated and insidious; the disappearance of Shigechi was a carefully calibrated plan and imminent demise. She clenched her fist, watching Jotaro pause his movement when the object began to rattle. He needed to be cautious; they were all unaware of what the enemy was capable of, and to do anything rash would be foolish of them.

"It's still moving!" Koichi commented. As he saw the killer tug at the jacket again, he shouted, "The jacket is evidence!"

Before Koichi could run toward the jacket, Jotaro grabbed the collar of his uniform with ease. "Wait! Don't run after it without thinking. The way he's tugging the jacket is suspicious."

The Stand in the owner's mouth rattled quietly. Then, it ceased all movement. Everyone stared at it in anticipation, their eyes glued so they wouldn't miss anything. [Name]'s ears picked up small ticks from the object—as if it was a timer that counted down. Why was it ticking so metronomically? Then, her throat felt parched, trepidation filling her to her very core. No, that's impossible. Was her theory—

"Something about that Stand—"


"—is dangerous!"

Piecing together the puzzle, Jotaro acted quickly, doing his best to nullify the damage; he shielded both their bodies from the detonation in front of them. The loud explosion of the discharge rumbled the shoe store as dust and sparks flew from the ignition. The repugnant miasma that wisped in the air made her scrunch up her nose—it was such a foul stench.

"So this is how it got Shigechi?" Koichi cried, eyes closed shut. Then, his eyes shot open, glaring at the door left ajar. "That's why we couldn't find him, no matter where we looked. Fitting for a killer—it lets him destroy any evidence!"

The rattling sound of the clothes hanger caught his attention. "He's— He's getting away!"

"Don't go after him, Koichi."

Koichi paused, "Huh? Don't go after him? What are you saying?" He angrily pointed at the door, "If we go after him, we'll get to see the face of the person who killed Reimi and Shigechi!"

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