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[NAME] QUIETLY AMBLED, ADMIRING THE IDIOSYNCRASIES OF THE BIZARRE SIGHT AROUND HER. The streets were free of revelers, and even the houses lined up against one another looked vacant. Despite the items displayed beyond the glass screen, the vending machines along the maze-like walls could not dispense anything. It seemed like there was no electricity in this street. Such a strange place she walked in.

She didn't know what she expected from such a quiet alleyway. There was no one here, nor was there anyone that questioned this place's existence. She was a fool for entering without a second thought—maybe, she should just turn back and leave. Yeah—that might be a better plan than allotting time to a lifeless street like this. Letting out a small sigh of disappointment, [Name] turned around, retracing her steps and leaving the alleyway.

"Hello," an all too familiar breathy voice whispered in her ear, "—Little Miss [Name]."

She froze, trepidation climbing up her shoulders. There was a knife slowly twisting in her gut—a pounding headache hammering against her skull, cracking it open. It was a weight chaining her down, a hot breath permeating against the shell of her ear. Her hands felt clammy, gripping on for dear life onto the strap of her backpack. Mouth agape, she slowly turned around, meeting with a woman and her surgical mask. All at once, she felt doused in water, struggling to breathe, gasping for oxygen. The woman's pale hand was at her side with an index finger pointed directly at the temple of [Name]'s head.

"Why are you looking at me like that, hm?" She giggled, tilting her head to the side. "You look like you're the blood in the water, attracting the sharks. Is there something on your mind?"


"Oh, come on. That's no way to speak to an adult, now is it? I thought you were a polite little girl."

"Why are you here, Kuchisake-onna? I thought you—"

"—you were an evil yōkai that I happened to come across, thinking you were just a figment of my imagination?" Kuchisake-onna continued, leaning away from [Name]'s face.

"You're so predictable, Little Miss [Name]. You may be a smart cookie, speaking with such eloquent speech—but you're still a child. You don't understand this phenomenon or why you can see me, hm? Even with your curiosity, you were this close to leaving the alleyway. Such a shame, you know. Thankfully, you're smart enough to know how to shut up and take a compliment. If you didn't, I would've given you the same wound I have for sneaking up on me ages ago ."

Standing up straight, Kuchisake-onna grinned underneath her face mask.

"Now, don't go back just now. We have your curiosity to satiate, do we not? Curiosity killed the cat..."

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