Chapter 16

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Song on Repeat:
Cops and Robbers - The Hoosiers

        Leafy's POV

        "Come on Leafy... Come on.... You gotta end this with Preston.... He's just gonna... He's gonna... He's going to kill us all. He's gonna kill me.. He's gonna kill everyone I love. He's a.. He's a criminal." I thought to myself, running, looking down at my feet. Left foot, right foot, left foot, right, left..

        "LEAFY!" I heard behind me. I turned around to see Ian running after me, but he somehow caught up with me.. Dang, that boy can run extremely fast.

        "Dammit.. Give me a moment to catch my breath.." Ian said as he reached me, and he stood there, using his knees as support for his tired body.

        "I-Ian.." I stuttered. He put his hand on my arm, and I jerked back, almost falling down.

        "Leafy.. Please... Let's go to a hospital.." Ian said, and I stared into his eyes. They were shakey, and I could see them watering.

        "F..Fine.." I said, cringing when he put his hand on my arm.

        "Thank God.. Should I call 911 since you're injured and bleeding?" Ian said, and I just sobbed and nodded, lightly clutching my arm to try and stop the pain and bleeding. I watched him as he pulled out his phone, and dialled the police. He gave them our location, and ended the call.

        "They're on their way." Ian said, and I took a seat on the sidewalk. A few minutes later, the ambulance showed up and took us away.

        Preston's POV (Plot Twist? >:))

        Song on Repeat: "Partners in Crime" by Set It Off

        "Good! Good! You're doing perfectly fine, and your reward is here. You actually have two rewards! A partner, and... Money! Just keep filling their lives with despair, and make sure Leafy doesn't die, but let me kill her... And her sister! Hehehe.. Hahaha.. HAHAHHA.." An all familiar voice laughed. Who was this, this perfect criminal? Her name, she hasn't told us, but she goes by a special nickname. Mother Nature.

        "A partner? This should be interesting." I smirked, and felt a tap on my shoulder.

        "Haha, yep. Also, I'm more trained than you'll ever be. Ready to kidnap some bitches?" A female voice said, and I turned around.

        "The name's Mukuro. Mukuro Maloy." The girl said. Her hair was a shade of black, and reached her shoulders. She wore a white button-up shirt, and a black plaid skirt.

        "Maloy?" I thought to myself.

        "I know what you're thinking. Maloy, you've heard the name before. You have, infact, I'm Lizzy's sister." She smirked, and laughed. For some reason, her laugh made my heart skip a beat.

        "So, we're partners?" I laughed, and grabbed a knife from my back pocket, "Better keep up."

        "Oh, honey, I don't need to keep up, you'll be the one who's gonna need to catch up to me." She winked, and pulled out a knife.. It seemed specially designed, because I've never seen a knife like that.

        "So, where is that bitch, Leafy?" She said, rolling her eyes, and made me hold my breath. Was I falling for this girl already? Dear God... Preston, don't fall for this girl. She's your partner. I thought to myself.

        "Not sure at the moment. But, since we're partners-"

        "Partners in crime." She interrupted me.

        "That has a nice ring to it. We should call ourselves that.. The Partners in Crime." I smiled.

        "I guess you're not so bad, eh? And, why not. Now, what were you saying?" She smiled, and I couldn't help but fall in love with her smile.

        "We should introduce ourselves."

        "Okay, sure. I'm Mukuro Maloy, a trained assassin who fought in many private wars. I've murdered many people, never been caught. I love to murder people, and no one knows that they ever existed. It's really fun, to be honest." Mukuro said, placing her hand on her hip.

        "Alright. My name is Preston Arsement, a 'normal' citizen who makes YouTube videos. I've just started this, but getting pretty good. People trust me, and that's their worst mistake. I have a dark side, but also a good side. I'm very good at acting, and that's how I'm gonna be the one to get Leafy here." I smiled.

        "Let's see who gets her first, eh?" Mukuro smiled, turning around, laughing to herself.

        "How about you two shut up and just go find them.." A woman's voice rang throughout the room.

        "How about you.. Nevermind." Mukuro said, rolling her eyes.

        "How about I, what?" A flash went though the air, and I saw the woman we know as Mother Nature holding a knife up to Mukuro's neck.

        "Nothing! Now back off of her!" I said, my protective side came over me. I heard a laugh, and I made eye contact with Mukuro. Mother Nature brought her pocket knife up to Mukuro's cheek, and made a little cut.

        "I have hope, for you youngin'. I won't be filled with despair." Mother Nature laughed, and let Mukuro go, and her hand went to her cheek.

        "Let's get out of here.." I said to her, and we began to walk out.

        "What was that all about? You going all protective over me? I had that, you know. I could of easily beat her, even if she was my mentor.." Mukuro said, glaring at me.

        "Wait, wait, your mentor?" I said, confused.

        "Yes, she taught me when she came to me asking for assistance. Anyways, you never answered my question. Why did you protect me back there?" She said, turning to me. I brought my hand onto the back of my neck and rubbed awkwardly.

        "Well- you see... I- uh- I didn't want my... Uhm.. Competition to die, you know?" I laughed, trying to make an excuse.

        "Sure. Don't fall for me, the last kid who did that died. Bye." Mukuro said with a wink, and ran off. I blinked, and she was gone.

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