Chapter 15

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        My mouth dropped open and I couldn't speak. I felt my eyes get water, and my head feeling light. I cannot go out with him.. I just... He would hurt me.. Or would he? I should just try...

        "I.. I guess... My answer is... Yes.." I choked out.

        "Good, now.. Don't you ever leave me, or I shall tell your little mother where you are.." He laughed, but kept his voice in a hushed tone. What?

        "What? Preston, what are you talk-" I was cut off by sharp pain on my cheek. I slapped my hand over my cheek, and bent down in pain.

        "Oh my god... Preston! Why!" I cried.

        "Shut up, and don't you dare tell anyone about this. I will hurt you even more, Leafy... For the rest of your life.." Preston said, whispering in my ear before kicking my feet out from up under me.

        "Ready to go back inside, sweetie?" Preston smiled, his fake oh-so-innocent smile. I nodded, wiping the tears away.. I looked up, only to be met by the traitor's fist to my eye.

        "Last one. Now, lets just say that you fell and hit your eye." Preston said, gripping my wrist tightly. He drug me into the house, smiling.

        "Oh my god! Leafy! What happened?!" Wolfy said, seeing my black-eye and acts of pain.

        "I.. I fell, and went to grab the ground but hit myself in the eye..." I sobbed. Preston smiled, looking over to me.

        "And I shall protect her..." Preston said, pulling me towards him.

        "Leafy.. Let me get you some ice, come on.." Ian said, standing up.

        "No! I got her, she is my girlfriend, anyways." Preston said, full of pride which I could tell was fake.

        "Is this true, Leafy?" Ian asked, and I nodded, but looked down straight after.

        "C'mon, babe.." Preston said, yanking my arm as he brought me into the kitchen.

        "Preston.. Please..." I whispered, only crying more.

        "Listen here, little.. You put up a good act back there, but you need to act like you love me. They don't really suspect anything, but I have to go report to your mother... I'll be back in an hour. See you, and don't you DARE say anything, got that?" Preston growled, pulling me close to him. He smirked, and I felt a pain on my arm. He brought his other hand over my mouth so I couldn't scream. I looked down, and noticed my arm was cut. He laughed, and walked away, leaving me standing there with a bloody arm and a bruised body. My breathing was short and ragged. I pulled my sleeves down, and my hood over my head. I took a huge breath, and began to leave. I walked through the door, and saw people looking at me.

        "Preston just left, are you okay?" Jerome asked, standing up. I nodded and made my way to the door, but Ian stopped me before I went out. He gripped my arm, where it was cut and I winced.

        "Leafy, are you su- Oh my God! You're bleeding!" Ian said, yelling. I ripped my arm away, and ran through the door.

        "I'm fine! I swear I'm fine!" I cried, running home, pain with every step. What have I done? What's happened to me?

        Mitch's POV

        "What's happened..." Jerome asked, confused as everybody else.

        "Is it Preston?" Ian said, taking a deep breath.

        "It couldn't be, he's too sweet!" Wolfy said in unbelief. I swallowed, feeling like there was a lump in my throat. I sat back, and stared at the ceiling.

        "What's happening?" I sighed.

        "This is all my fault..." Ian stuttered.

        "What? Don't blame yourself, Ian." Jerome said.

        "Yet, it IS my fault! I told Leafy that Preston liked her, and I told Preston to ask her out.. This has to be him, it just HAS to be!" He yelled.

        "She did it to herself." Lachlan said calmly.

        "Not you too.." Wolfy said, looking at her boyfriend with sad eyes.

        "I know Preston, he's like my brother. He didn't do it to her, she HAD to of done it to herself." Lachlan pressed on. I couldn't partake in this conversation, I don't know what side to go on.

        "Fine! If you think she did it to herself, stand up!" Lizzy shouted. Lachlan slowly stood up, and I glanced around. I heard shuffling, then Jerome stood up. Jerome and Lachlan. They're the only two who stood up.

        "I.... I can't.. How could she of done this to herself?! She had no motive..." Wolfy shouted, tears running down her face.

        "I'm going to Leafy. I'll be back.." Ian said, standing up, and running out the door, slamming it shut behind him.

Hey guys.

Sorry for such a short chapter.

Ily guys.

I've had writer's block, and working on a story that I actually have a huge motive for and I love it so far...

It's gonna take awhile to finish the first chapter though, so, don't expect it to be out soon... <3

Love, Leafy.

The Miracle (BajanCanadian FF)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ