Chapter 9

441 11 15

Song on Replay: Light Em Up -Fall Out Boy-

Dedicated to:

MelonNinja because of her comment! That made me laugh! XD


        I sat back onto my pillow. Wolfy came in, looking at me. I shook my head no, and she let out a long sigh. She walked out, knowing that I need peace and quiet. I looked out the window, and laid down. I closed my eyes, silently sobbing. I closed my eyes and let sleep overtake me.


        I smirked, and looked into the window. Leafy laid there, sleeping. I let out a laugh, as I poured gasoline in through the cracked window. I threw a lighter through the window, it making the gasoline go into flames. I heard a scream, but not from Leafy. I laughed, Leafy is going to die, no doubt about it. It's what she deserves from leaving me. SHE LEFT HER OWN MOTHER! She left me to go to her friend's house! I may of beat her but I still fed her and took care of her! I may of made her watch her father's death, but she should of stayed with me! I leave no choice, but to kill her just like her father. I smirked, laughing. I climbed down the tree, dusting myself off. I walked away, taking one glance back at the house, it burning in flames. Leafy should be dead by now, and I smiled. I walked away, flipping my hair. Mother knows best, you know.


        My eyes opened, and I sat up. My bed was surrounded in flames. What? WHAT?! I stood up on my bed, screaming. I heard Wolfy scream.

        "LEAFY GET OUT OF THERE! THE WINDOW!" The window was blocked. The flames grew, the smoke filling the room. Everything was on fire, except for my bed. The bed was soon to be though... A tear fell from my eye, as I smiled.

        "Wolfy.. I love you.. Never forget.." I yelled, and I heard Wolfy sob / scream.

        "NO! LEAFY! GET OUT OF THERE!" She screamed. Smoke was everywhere, I couldn't see. I heard sirens, and I couldn't stay up anymore. My bed was catching flames, and the smoke was filling my lungs. Who.. Who did this..?

        "WOLFY, TELL THE GUYS AND THE GIRLS I LOVE THEM! I'M NOT GONNA MAKE IT OUT! GOODBYE!" I screamed, but collapsed. I heard something fall, and some yelling, but darkness had overtaken me. I let out one last breath as the fire overtook me. I knew I was dead.


        "Mitch, buddy, are you okay?" I asked Mitch as he stormed in the house.

        "Yeah.." He muttered, running up.

        "I'm.. Gonna go check on him.." I said, looking around at the other guys. I walked upstairs and looked at the door of Mitch's room. I knocked on it, wondering what happened.

        "You okay biggums?" I asked. The door flew open, Mitch's face was white as a ghost.

        "The girl's house is on fire." He whispered. Did.. I just hear what I think I just heard?

        "What?" I said, tilting my head.


        "What!?" I shouted. He ran out, grabbing my arm.

        "GUYS THE GIRL'S HOUSE IS ON FIRE!" He yelled, and ran out the door, bringing me with him.

        "We have to go check on them." He said, hopping into his car.

        "Who's all there!?" I said, worrying for Lizzy.

        "Leafy and Wolfy." He said as I hopped into the car.

        "Oh no.." I whispered. He hit the gas pedal, and we were off. I looked over to Mitch worridly, who was concentrated on the road. I saw a small tear roll down his cheek. What happened while he was there?

        "Mitch.. What happened?" I asked, curious.

        "Leafy likes me, and I said a few words, and I left." He mumbled, closing his eyes. He opened his eyes and sighed. I looked up and saw smoke in the car.

        "Oh.. My.. God.." I whispered in horror. We finally reached the house. Firetrucks were everywhere, and fire was consuming the house. I looked everywhere for the two girls. I saw Wolfy who was crying, and Lizzy trying to comfort her.

        "We need to help them, now." I said, getting out. I ran over to Lizzy and Wolfy, and looked at them.

        "Where's Leafy?" Mitch asked them when he reached us. Wolfy looked up, tears in her eyes.

        "In.. There.." She whispered, and broke out into more tears. What... Leafy was in the.. House? But, it's on fi- No. No. She can't be dead, could she?

        "GET THE GIRL TO THE HOSPITAL, NOW!" I heard a man yell, pushing us four out of the way. There was a girl on a stretcher, and fire fighters all around her, rushing to the ambulance.

        "IS SHE ALIVE?" Lizzy yelled, and looked up.

        "WE'RE LOOSING HER QUICKLY, GET HER TO THE HOSPITAL, NOW!" The man yelled, and they put her in the ambulance. I looked up and saw Wolfy running to the ambulance, hopping in. I looked to my side to look at Mitch, but he wasn't there. I looked up at the ambulance, and he was running to the ambulance. He barely made it in before the doors shut.

        "Call everyone, I'll go get the guys." I said to Lizzy before kissing her on the cheek.

        "It'll be okay.." I said, looking into her tear-filled eyes.

        "I hope so babe..." She whispered, and we kissed. We pulled apart, hugging, before running to our cars. I gave one last glance at my girlfriend before driving off in Mitch's car. I got a text from Mitch, and glanced at it.

Mitch: She's gone.

        No.. No no no.. Leafy is dead? Oh dear Lord, let it not be true. I drove to the house where everyone was at, and I ran in.

        "Guys, the girl's house was on fire. We're pretty sure Leafy is dead. I don't know though, we need to get to the hospital, now." I said, and looked around. Everyone stared at me with wide eyes.

        "We need to get there now.." I said, and looked around. Everyone was in shock. Preston let out a sob.

        "Your joking... Right?" Ian said hopefully.

        "Sadly, I'm not. Let's go..." I whispered, and ran out. I hopped in the car, driving to the hospital.


        I can't believe it. This was my fault. This was my fault that Leafy was dead. She probably lit the house on fire, in depression. This was all my fault. I can't believe that she's dead. I walked alone on the outside of the hospital, waiting for Jerome. I punched the wall.

        "Hey dood, are you okay?" Jerome said, jogging up to me.

        "This is all my fault.." I muttered, sitting down.

        "Dood, no it's not... I mean, the fire is a big anti power move in all, but if she lives, that'll be the HUGE power move to make it up!" Jerome laughed. I couldn't help but chuckle.

        "And I should know, being the Pope of power moves and all!" Jerome laughed.

        "Then by the power of power moves, I hope that she lives!" I laughed.


        Leafy should die. She doesn't deserve life. She betrayed me, her own mother.


AN means Author's Note, and the picture attached to this is what Lizzy looks like! ^.^

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