Chapter 8

461 16 15

Song on Replay: 

Laszlo - Don't Look Down [NCS Release]


        I stared in shock and who just landed on me, not to mention kissed me! My eyes adjusted to a girl standing up, her face plum red. It was Leafy!

        "Uhm.." I said, standing up.

        "I'm.. So so so sorry!" She said, looking down.

        "It's fine." I replied, smiling a little.

        "Ooh, Mitch, is there something going on between you and Leafy?" I heard my bestfriend ask, Jerome.

        "Wh- What?! I don't even like her!" I stammered back honestly. Yes, it's true I don't like Leafy. I like her as a friend, but not... Relationship wise! Jerome knows I have a girlfriend, Natalie, who's in Canada right now.

        "And I have a girlfriend!" I replied sternly.

        "Natalie?" Jerome smiled. I nodded, but heard a gasp next to me. Leafy was standing there, looking down. I hope she didn't like me.. She wouldn't though, right? Why would she? She probably likes Ty, Adam, or someone like that. I'm not special.

        "I'm gonna go..." Leafy said, looking up. She was smiling, but her eyes were clouded with something.. But with what?


        "Wh- What?! I don't even like her!" Mitch saying that brought my heart to pieces. I faked a smile just to get out of there, and now it's raining. I guess I shouldn't even of thought of liking him, he's just like everyone else. I have yet to ever be in a relationship, and I guess I won't be in one now.

        "Leafy!" I heard someone yell behind me. I turned to see Ian running up to me. I picked up my pace, not wanting to talk to anyone.

        "Leafy... Something's wrong... Wolfy collapsed, she can't breath. We need you, now." Ian begged, catching up to me.

        "What?!" I said, panicking. If anything happens to her, and I mean anything, I need to be there for her. I ran back to the house, to see what was wrong. I ran into the house, looking around.

        "What's wrong with Wolfy?!" I yelled.

        "Nothing, silly! We just wanted you to come back." Wolfy smiled, walking out.

        "You know not to do that Wolfy!" I said, playfully punching her in the shoulder. I wanted to talk to Mitch... But how?

        "Wh- What?! I don't even like her!" replayed in my head again. Mitch would never like me, I know he wouldn't. I'm just a normal girl, who loves the internet. I felt like Peter White, from Alice in the Country of Hearts... Chasing around Alice, only to be turned down. I mean, he could of been joking, but from the way he said it.. It seems quite real... His tone.. There were so much sparks that went through me I couldn't even speak. I had tuned out of the conversation, until he had said those very words. Those are the words that crushed my hope and dream.

        "Can we go home now?" I whined to Wolfy, and she sighed.

        "Fine.." She grumbled, and went up to Lachlan. She kissed him on the cheek, and smiled. She walked to the door, where I was standing, and said goodbye. I waved, and walked out.

        "What's wrong Leafy. Is it because of what Mitch said? What was it again?" Wolfy said as we started to walk.

        "Wh- What?! I don't even like her!" I recieted the words, coming to tears.

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