"Watching Barbie movies again, Quil?" Katherine asked. Jacob and Embry busted up laughing.

"You guys are cruel," Quil said as he dropped down onto the couch.

"You started it," Katherine stuck her tongue out at her friend.

It was silent for some time while Katherine ordered 3 pizzas for the group. Quil and Jacob joked back and forth while working on their homework and Embry sat on the floor his head softly hitting the floor in frustration.

"Jake, save Embry before he gives himself brain damage," Katherine joked as she hung up the phone.

"Too late," Quil quipped.

"Haha," Embry faked a laugh. "Can I burn my math homework?"

"Yes," Quil answered.

"No, and don't encourage him, Quil," Katherine scolded. 

"But I hate math," Embry muttered.

"Everyone does," Katherine dropped onto the couch between Jacob and Quil. "Let me see."

Embry handed over his homework which had more letters than numbers. "I change my mind, burn it," Katherine said as she handed it back.

"No," Jacob quickly spoke up. "We have to burn it outside." 

The 4 teens got up to burn their math homework outside. "Don't you even think about burning any of your homework," Billy's voice called out as they opened the door.

"Hi Dad," Katherine smiled at the 2 men who just exited Charlie's police cruiser.

"You being a bad influence on these boys?" Charlie questioned with an eyebrow raised.

"Nope. It was Quil's idea," Katherine smirked at Quil.

"Embry was the one who wanted to burn his homework not me," Quil protested.

"Jake said we should do it outside," Embry pointed at Jacob.

"I hate all of you," Jacob muttered.

"Inside," Billy ordered.


After some time and pizza, the teens took off outside to Jacob's garage. Loud music and laughter was all that could be heard from them. Everything changed in the blink of an eye when Quil fell over and knocked tools down with him. The loud clattering caused the music to be too loud for Katherine. Quil quickly looked over at the girl as the tools fell. Standing quickly he rushed to Jacob only causing more tools to fall off the vehicle Jacob was under.

"Shit, Jake," Quil kicked Jacob's foot trying to get his attention.

Katherine closed her eyes and covered her ears as she dropped down into a ball. Embry quickly went over to her. "Turn off the music," Embry yelled.

"Jake," Quil yelled as he ran over to the music.

"Kat! Let's go," Charlie could be heard yelling from outside.

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