17) The Third Task

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Y/n's POV

Fred, George, Lee and I were walking towards the field where the last task is taking place. Fred and George were telling us they are going to confront Ludo Bagman about their bet. He didn't respond to any on their letters. Fred and i were holding hands with Fred ocassionally swirling me around, causing me to giggle. We spotted Harry standing there looking nervous.

"Be right back, guys." I told boys and walked up to Harry.

"Hey, Harry." I said. "You good?"

"Hey, Y/n. Yeah. Yeah i'm fine." He said, although it was obvious he was nervous.

"Don't lie to me. No one can fool me." I told him. "It's okay to be nervous." I said putting a hand on his shoulder.

"I know. I just have feeling that something bad will happen." Harry said.

"Don't worry. Everything is going to be fine." I said. "Good luck." I hugged him.

"Thanks, Y/n." Harry said hugged me back and give me a small smile.

I smiled back and went to find Fleur. I bumped into someone. That someone happened to be Cedric Diggory.

"Oh, hey Cedric." I greeted him. "You ready for the last task?"

"Yeah. A bit nervous, but fine." Cedric responded.

"You'll do good. Good luck." I said.

"Thanks." Cedric said.

Cho Chang, Ravenclaw Seeker, came and pulled Cedric aside. I went back to finding Fleur. I spotted her with her little sister and Beauxbatons friends.

"Hey Fleur." I said and hugged her.

" 'ello Y/n." She said hugging me back.

"Good luck, Fleur. You'll do great." I told her.

"Merci, Y/n." Fleur said and smiled at me. I smiled back.

We talked a little more before i went to fine twins and Lee. On my way i saw Krum and give him a thumbs up.

"Hey, love. We saved you a seat." Fred said and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. "What took you soo long?"

"I've been wishing luck to Harry and Fleur." I said.


A time passed and Harry and Cedric aren't back yet. Fleur and Krum were taken out long ago. But there is still no sign of Hogwarts champions. The sun is already gone behind mountains.

Just then Harry and Cedric appeared out of nowhere. But something was wrong. Harry was shaking Cedric.

"Something's going on." I told Fred, George and Lee as i got up.

A whole Hogwarts erupted in cheers and everyone started running down, including us. But cheers were cut off when Fleur let out a blood curdling scream that send a shivers down my spine. We rushed towards Harry and Cedric. We pushed through people 'till we reached front. When we got there we saw that Cedric was laying on the ground. Motionless, his eyes open and... lifeless. I gasped. Fred pulled me to his chest, trying to make me look away from horrible scene. Everyone else gasped and some girls screamed when they released what had happened.

Cedric Diggory was dead.


Later we were told that Mad-eye Moody turned out to be escaped Death Eater, Barty Crouch Jr. Professor Dumbledore also told us that Voldemort is back and that he killed Cedric. Harry saw all of that. What a wonderful end of year.

We were now at memorial for Cedric. A whole Hogwarts and students of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang were sitting in the Great Hall listening to Professor Dumbledore's speech. Cho Chang looked quite shaken up. But who can blame her, she lost a boyfriend.


Fred, George, Lee, Angelina, Alicia, Katie and i were currently in Hogwarts Express. Talking about what happened in a last few days. This year didn't end like we thought it would.

"Well this wasn't really an end of a year i thought it would be." Lee said voicing my thoughts.

"I can't believe i thought this year was going to be normal." I said leaning on Fred's shoulder. "But with Tournament it was rather questionable."

"We expected something will happen..." Fred started.

"But not that someone will get killed." George finished.

"I guess we won't ever have a normal year." Angelina said taking a bite of her pumpkin pie.

"Maybe a next year will be better." Katie said hopefully.

"I highly doubt that." Alicia said. "I'm sorry that Cedric died. He was a great Seeker."

"You sound like Wood." I said laughing a little.

"I miss playing Quidditch. We didn't play it a whole year." Fred said and we all agreed.

"Can you believe next year is going to be our last year in Hogwarts?" George asked.

"I'm going to miss it." All of us, except for Katie, said in the same time with kinda sad sigh. A whole ride we were talking and laughing.

We arrived on the King Cross station. Fred was carrying both of our trunks, he didn't want to let me carry mine. My arm wrapped around his.

"Y/n!" Mum said happily when she saw me. I let go of Fred's arm and went to hug her. Mrs. Weasley came and hugged me too. Meanwhile my mum hugged Fred. Mum and i were talking when i saw Harry pulling twins aside. Twins returned with big matching grins. When i asked them what happened they told me they'll tell me later.

We were leaving King Cross. Fred and i holding hands tightly, not wanting to let go. Fred suddenly stopped causing me to stop too.

"I'm goin to miss you soo much, love." Fred said wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I'm going too miss you soo much too, Freddie." I said and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"You're going to come over, right?" Fred asked and kissed my forehead.

"If your parents are fine with it." I said.

"Of course they're fine with it. They see you as a family. Besides i can't stand not seeing you a whole summer." Fred said and hugged me tighter. I smiled up at him and he return the smile.

Fred lean and kissed my lips, pulling me closer to him. We were kissing for what felt like hours. Completely forgetting about a world. Until Ronald interrupted us.

"Oi, lovebirds, hurry up. You'll see each other in a few weeks now cut it." Ronald said and received a hit on the head from George, one on shoulder from Harry, one in ribs from Hermione and kick in the shin from Ginny.

"Ouch! What was all that for?!" He said loudly.

"Shut up, you idiot." Ginny said.

"I'm going to hex your brother." I told Fred turning my head back to him.

"And i'm going to help you do that, love." Fred said glaring at Ron.

"I love you soo much, love." Fred said in soft voice and kissed my forehead again.

"I love you soo much too, Freddie." I said pecking his lips.

We separated our ways, me going to my mum and him going to the other Weasleys. I waved him before i entered mum's car.

"I'm soo glad Fred makes you happy. He's a wonderful boy." My mum said and smiled at me. "I'm soo happy we have him in the family. Dad would like him a lot too."

I smiled and leaned my head against the window thinking about Fred and how much i'm going to miss him. These are going to be a longest few weeks ever.

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