35) Christmas

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Fred's POV

A yawn escaped my lips as I rubbed sleep of my eyes. I turned around to pull Y/n closer to me but only to realize she wasn't in the bed. I sat upright and looked around the room but there was no sign of Y/n. The clock was showing 8am and I couldn't understand why did she wake up this early. As my mind became aware of today's date I remembered it was Christmas.

"George wake up! It's Christmas!" I yelled jumping on his bed and hitting him with pillow just like I did when we were kids.

"Freddie, my dear twin brother," George spoke in scarily calm voice. "Get the fuck off of me!" He shouted, pushing me of the bed.

"But it's Christmas."

"I have a feeling it's too early to wake up so I don't care what day it is, I'm not getting up. If you and your girlfriend are hyperactive in the break of dawn I'm not." George said and covered his head with the pillow.

"And if Lee did this you'd jump out of your bed to do anything." I crossed my arms.

"You're not Lee." George mumbled quietly, thinking I couldn't hear him.

"What was that?" I smirked.

"I said; get lost!" George shouted again and threw one of his pillows at me.

I rolled my eyes and went to find Y/n. I knocked on bathroom door to check if she was there. As I didn't get any answer I went I bathroom to brush my teeth. Coming downstairs a looked in the living room but she wasn't there either. Everyone's presents were under the tree, including Y/n' present I left there after everyone fell asleep last night. I heard coming from kitchen I guessed of them was definitely mum.

Peeking through the door I saw mum and Y/n talking. Y/n was decorating some Christmas cookies, tying a bow on one gift box and talking with mum.

"Where do I put a present for Arthur, Molly?" Y/n asked holding up a colorful box.

"Oh, put it there, sweetie." Mum motioned to the small pile of boxes.

"I put a spell on it so cookies should be warm a whole day." Y/n said. "I hope Arthur will like a muggle book I got for him."

"Don't worry about it dear. He'll love." Mum said. "And thank you from your gift for me."

"It's nothing, Molly. Thank you for having me here again and for the sweater."

"'Morning." I greeted them. "Merry Christmas, mum." I kissed mum's cheek.

"Merry Christmas, dear." Mum patted my cheek and smiled.

"Merry Christmas, love." I hugged Y/n from behind and placed kiss on the back of her head.

"Merry Christmas, Freddie." Y/n turned her head and kissed my cheek. "You're awake early."

"And you didn't?"

"I thought I'd make some cookies. Mum and I always made them. It's a tradition." Y/n shrugged.

"You made them. Oh, no we're all going to die, they're poisonous." I gasped dramatically.

"Don't eat them if you don't like them." Y/n said.

"Kidding. Since when are you waking up this early?"

"Couldn't sleep."

I reached to take on cookie but Y/n hit my hand away. "Wait for everyone else. Besides they're poisonous." She said.

"I said I was kidding and I just wanted one cookie."

"Yeah, right, just one."

I turned her around to kiss her so I can distract her from my hand taking the cookie from plate. "Ha!" I yelled triumphal popping a cookie in my mouth.

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