39) 'Happy Birthday Boys!'

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Y/n's POV

"You think we'll do everything on time?" I asked Lee as the two of us met up in front of their dormitory. It's twins birthday and we have some last minute check for tonight's party they aren't supposed to know.

"Dobby will prepare a cake. I just hope he won't put a sock as decoration." Lee said. "He seems to be a little obsessed with them I counted four socks on each leg and none of them has a pair. But at least we have one thing less to do."

"Okay, great. Do you have any ideas on how to keep most of the Gryffindors out of the common room tonight?"

"Y/n, it's twins' birthday everyone and I mean everyone will try to avoid them today. Besides I'll just tell them that Fred and George will try out new fireworks and you won't see anyone the common room for the next 24 hours."

"You still think we shouldn't pretend that we don't remember? I'm mean, it can be a surprise party. If we burst in now they'll know we'll prepare something."

"Remember when we tried to do that in fifth year?" Lee raised eyebrow. "In case you forgot let me remind you. They pranked us like there was no tomorrow and we were coughing up feathers for a week because they put a prototype of Canary cream in our meal!" He whisper-yelled.

"And they couldn't turn us back for three fucking hours."

"Trust me it's better if we don't tell them about a party."

"Did you find cymbals?" I asked.

"Yup and may I just say that I love the way you're thinking L/n." Lee smirked and pulled out two pairs of cymbals out of a bag near the door.



The two of us tip toed into the room. Fred and George were sleeping like rocks. They bid us 'good night' fairly early last night and went into their dormitories. Lee and I figured out they were setting up pranks for today.

"Aw look how cute they look." I smirked.

"Too bad we're going to ruin it." Lee laughed evilly and both of us started clapping cymbals.

Fred and George jump up in their beds, both of them hit their heads on their beds in process. They both grabbed their wands, aiming them at 'intruder'. As soon as their eyes set on us they lowered them.

"Happy Birthday, Wesleys!" Lee and I yelled.

"Guys seriously, you couldn't wait for us to wake up?" George asked, grumpily.

"Nope." We answered.

"Now come here we're having a group hug." I said and both Lee and I hugged as tightly as we could.

"Happy Birthday, Freddie." I told Fred as we pulled away from group hug so Lee and I could hug each twin.

"I won't get my 'happy birthday' kiss?" Fred put his hands on my hips and pouted.

I laughed and stood on the tips of my toes to press my lips to Fred's. I felt him smile into the kiss before I pulled away. I waited for George to comment something but he was too busy thanking and smiling at Lee to notice anything.

"Happy Birthday, Georgie." I hugged George tightly. "Someone's not grumpy anymore now that Lee hugged him." I whispered to George.

"I hate you, Y/n." He whispered back.

"Oi, George. Keep your greasy hands of off my girl." Fred shouted, jokingly.

"Not my fault she fell for the wrong twin." George fired back and put his arm around my shoulders.

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