67) The Aftermath of War

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Warning: talks of nightmares, death and war, angst, mentions of blood, wounds, non-sexual nudity kinda(T-shirt is the only item of clothing missing), anxiety, panic attack-like scene, PTSD-like symptoms, minor insecurities

3rd person POV

It was only two days after the battle. By the noon of May 2 every wizard and witch in Britain knew about the downfall of dark forces. It gave people the relief they have been waiting for so long. The terror and nightmare they all have been living in were over at last. The Dark Lord is defeated once and for all.

But the aftermath remained.

The castle of Hogwarts, even though it still stood proud and unyielding, needed a lot of repairing after the hell battle brought. The whole Wizarding World will take a great deal of time to get back to what it's once been. Because the architecture wasn't the only thing that needed repairing.

There were shattered souls and broken hearts that needed healing. The dead that should be mourned and respected. The warriors that just wanted to be with their loved ones. And kids that will finally get their childhood back. But with the promise of tomorrow they will be alright again.

The twins, Lee and Y/n felt the need to properly sign out. Their sudden disappearance raised tons of questions from the once that supported Harry but did not know who the host of Potterwatch was. At least that was Angelina, Alicia and Katie had told them.

So now they sat in spare room in Muriel's house. The Burrow needed some fixing. Death Eaters have done the damage back in March while trying to find Arthur and Molly. Ron was not pleased that they had to stay with Muriel.

The four of them were sleep deprived. None of them dared to sleep much. Fearing that the horrors might come hunting them again as soon as they close their eyes. But still, they wanted to host Potterwatch one last time.

"Hello, folks." Lee greeted people listening to him. "Potterwatch is finally here with..." He made a pause. He wanted to say 'good news'. But most of the news were far from good. The end of the war was the only one that could be called good news. "With one good news. But considering last years of terror, I believe this is a progress."

Lee looked around at his friends. George gripped his hand tightly in reassurance. Lee sent him grateful smile. Y/n and Fred sat across from them. All of them in front of their own mics. Fred's hand was resting on Y/n's thigh. His thumb occasionally drawing circles on her leg. Fred had hard time letting Y/n out of his reach. The nightmares that visited him for the past two nights only made his anxiety of something happening to her worse. He just wanted to be able to protect her. Even though he knew she was more than capable of doing it herself. Y/n couldn't blame him. After all that happened she too wanted to keep Fred from harm's way.

But Y/n and Fred weren't the only ones with nightmares. All four of them had their fair share with the demons of the night. George subconsciously held Lee a little tighter every chance he got. And Lee kept staring at George every chance he got. Glad that the love of his love was safe and with him.

"First of all, I would like you to join me in moment of silence. Let us pay our respects to the fallen fifty who gave their lives in final battle for the brighter future. Along with the ones that died during First and Second Wizarding war. They will not be forgotten. And their names would be highly respected. Please raise your wands for them."

The twins, Y/n and Lee raised their wands in the air as well. Small bulb of light shone from the tips. Silence that fell over the four friends wasn't uncommon anymore. As much as they tried, they couldn't be their real selves. The war has take it's tool on them.

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